What if you don't have a banner?
I suggest you make one then!
Is it free?
Of course! You just have to display a little button linking back to us. That's all we ask in return.
What if I want to change my banner?
Just email me with the URL of your new banner, the person who's displaying your banner will be notified of the change.
What do you mean "URL of your banner"?
This is where your banner file is. It MUST be uploaded to the Internet. It can't be just on your hardrive or whatever that thing is called. For instance, the URL of MY banner is "https://www.angelfire.com/pokemon/jmokary/plusbanner.gif" minus the quotation marks. If you need more info, email me
Your site has to be about Pokemon.
It cannot have any bad "content". (I don't like it either)
That's it!
Now go join the Banner Exchange! Click here!