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Magikarp Temple's TCG Decks

Decks so far: 2
"Energy Absorbtion"- by FC

25 x Water Energy
2 x Potion
4 x Energy removal
2 x Super energy
1 x Energy retrieval
2 x Gambler
2 x Gust of Wind
2 x Poliwrath
3 x Poliwhirl
4 x Poliwag
2 x Golduck
3 x Psyduck
2 x Blastoise
3 x Wartortle
4 x Squirtle
"Gyratailspower"- by Filip Pettersson (

10x fire energy
13x water energy
2x growlithe (for evolving)
1x arcanine (take down is pretty good)
3x vulpix (for evolving...)
2x ninetails (fire blast is GREAT)
4x squrtle (for evolving...)
3x wartortle (bite is OK but mostly for evolving)
2x blastoise (rain dance is perfect)
4x magicarp (mmmmm evolving...?)
3x gyarados (he is the best!!!)
4x potion (if a pokemon needs help)
2x prof. oak (GREAT)
3x bill (can be without them)
2x pokemon trader (if you need a pokemon)
2x energy retrieval (for ninetails fire blast)
  • your deck- make sure there are 60 cards.
  • any comments on the deck- any comments?
  • a title for the deck- what do you call it (no copyrighted names, i.e. Brushfire, Zap, Lockdown) please.
  • experiece with the deck- explain battles that you've had with this deck (if you own it).
  • your e-mail address- Do you want credit for your deck?
  • Notes- Please use proper spelling and grammer and don't add a "s" on the end. (i.e. when you want two charmanders, type in "2 x Charmander" and press [RETURN] everytime.) Here is an example:
    4 x Charmander
    3 x Charmeleon
    2 x Charizard
    4 x Vulpix
    3 x Ninetales
    ...and so forth.
