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Full Name: Brock

Age: 15

Hobbies: Pokémon breeding, chasing after pretty girls

Likes: Girls

Dislikes: Team Rocket

Dream: To be the world's best breeder

Accomplishments: Badges: None

Other: Running the Pewter City Gym

Pokémon: Onix, Geodude, Vulpix, Zubat

Personality: Brock is a teenage boy who has many things on his mind, those being; Girls, Pokémon, girls, girls, girls and girls. Brock is one of the more interesting characters in the television series. Leaving a life in Pewter behind, he joins Ash to travel around the Pokemon world in search of becoming the best breeder. Of course, he provides an excellent aide to stubborn Ash, who is always in need of good Pokemon info. He knows this from his Gym Leader background. He ran the Pewter City gym, congratulating the few and lucky winners with the Boulder Badge, a well-earned prize for their victory. But although he may have defeated many Pokemon in his battling days, he always showed care and compassion for them. He felt bad while his Onix crushed Ash's Pikachu in their first battle, soon releasing it to let Ash admit his defeat. And now, seeking to become a great breeder, he truly shows tenderness for his Pokemon, both new and old.

Although he has left Ash and Misty to stay with Professor Ivy on Vilencia Island, he is still the same Brock and will always be. There are also rumor going around that Brock will rejoin Ash, Misty and Tracey when they travel to the Jolt League. But we can only wait to find out if that is true.