HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCULLY!!!! Kasumi-sama, Aozuki no Hime (Kasumi, the Princess of the Blue Moon) Part 1: Tsuki ni Kawatte/In Place of the Moon By: Kitsune-chan (kitsune-chan@trust-me.com) Official Webpage: http://anime.at/pokemonorg/ Standard Disclaimer goes here --------> You already know it, so I'm not gonna waste time explaining it. Note: Okay, this is very screwed up. Basically it takes place in the Sailormoon world. Kasumi, Satoshi, Takeshi, Kenji, Musashi and Koijiro all know each other. Their pokémon are basically like Luna and Artemis are. AND they can talk in English..well, Japanese in this cas. Oh and BTW: the Pokémon characters are the same age as the Sailor Senshi. Names: Kasumi = Misty Satoshi = Ash Takeshi = Brock Kenji = Tracey Musashi = Jessie Koijiro = James Nyaasu = Meowth Hino Rei sighed as she pushed a strand of black hair out of her face, the heat was unbearable. Sometimes she wished she wasn't miko of Hikawa-jinja, at least she wouldn't have to be sweeping the grounds in a hakama in the middle of July, she could be wearing shorts and lounging on the beach... "Sumimasen [Excuse me]." said a voice, Rei looked up, hoping she didn't look too ridiculous dazing off. Rei saw a girl standing before her, wearing the uniform of T*A Academy. The girl had orange hair done up in a side ponytail and sharp aqua-blue eyes. "Yes? May I help you?" Rei asked, putting down her broom. She assumed the girl wanted to buy o-mamori [protection charms]. "I'm Kasumi, I just moved here recently. When my mother visited school, they told her I could find Hino Rei-san." the girl said. "Hajimemashite [Nice to meet you], Kasumi. So, you're going to T*A? I'm sure you'll love it there, everyone's so nice. The students are great, I'll introduce you to everyone." Rei said happily. The girl did not seem to share her sentiments. She stared at Rei hard, as if trying to judge her by her looks. "Well, that's nice. I guess I'll see you in school tomorrow." Kasumi answered, she turned around and walked away without another word. Rei's eyes flared, how rude of her, she thought. She then shook her head and changed her mind, I'm sure she's just jet lagged, she'll be better tomorrow. Rei nodded and picked up her broom, smiling to herself as she couldn't wait to tell everyone tomorrow of her news. * * * * "I HATE that girl!" Rei declared as she picked up one of Mako-chan's cupcakes and licked off the icing, "Rei-chan, Rei-chan, you used to hate me too, but you like me now." Usagi giggled as she inhaled her fourth cup cake. "I still hate you, baka!" Rei laughed and stuck out her tongue. "What exactly did she do?" Minako asked, "What was her name?" "Kasumi." Artemis replied. "Well, she was so rude to me all the time. Everyone kept coming up to her and asking her about America--" Rei began, "I think you're jealous because now she has all the attention." Usagi chimed, "Why would I be jealous of her, I'm better than she is!" Rei exclaimed jokingly, the two playfully began to fight. Ami shook her head and looked down at Luna, "Ne, why did you call this meeting anyway, Luna?" she asked, "Well, don't you think it's been a little quiet? We defeated Nephrenia and the Dead Moon Circus just six months ago. History has told us that that is too long for peace." Luna replied. "Maybe we beat everyone." Minako answered idly as she leaned across Usagi's bed and picked up the latest issue of Shounen Jump, "Ooh, look they're selling Sailor V dolls!" she said, glancing upward to see if anyone cared. "EE!! ECCHI DA! [This is Perverse!] I never wore a skirt that short!" "Well, we need to be on guard anyway. Make sure you pay attention to any strange happenings." Luna said loudly, ignoring Minako's wails. "Oh, Rei-chan, you aren't the only person who has a new student. Juuban Koutou Gakkou [Juuban High School] has a new transfer too. I forgot her name, she has really weird hair. I think she just transferred from Okinawa." Usagi-chan said suddenly, ignoring both Minako and Luna. Minako hopped up and crept up towards Luna, "Oooh, koowaaaiii yooo [I'm scaaarrreddd]. TWO new students in one week, it must be the work of the Iibaru Piipaaru [Evil People in English]!" "Minako no baka." Rei murmured, shaking her head at her friend's silliness. "Last time there were two new students on one day, Earth almost was destroyed by Ail and Ann." Ami said seriously. Luna had a strange look on her face, "Usagi, get me the Juuban Tribune, please." she requested. Usagi looked at her cat strangely and ran out of the room, she appeared moments later with the newspaper in hand. Luna quickly turned the page to the back, "Yes, I read this earlier. It's about how Shin Mugen Gakuen [New Infinity Academy] got two new foreign exchange students and a new transfer student from Hokkaido all in one day." "Oh, stop thinking everyone new is evil. Don't be arachnophobic." Minako replied knowingly, Artemis buried his head under his paw, "That's XENOphobic." he moaned, "What are their names?" Ami asked, "Koijiro, Satoshi and Takeshi." she read "That's very strange." Ami agreed, "C'MON! Tokyo is a very international city, there are new foreign students everyday, I bet." Usagi pointed out, "But not in Juuban-ku." Ami replied, the group was quiet. That was true. Luna nodded in agreement, "Even if I'm overreacting, I just want you all to be on guard. Mako-chan, Minako-chan, Usagi-chan, Ami-chan, watch the new girl at your school. Rei-chan, keep an eye on Kasumi. Artemis and I will watch the three guys. Let's just be on the safe side." * * * Kasumi looked around the empty park, it was getting late and most people were eating dinner, leaving the park deserted. There was a cool summer breeze, and the sun had set just enough for there to be stars in the sky. "Togepi?" she whispered, looking into a bush. "Right here, Kasumi-sama." said a voice. Kasumi looked down to see her egg Pokémon. "Why did we meet here and not at home?" "This is the only secluded place in this district. Years ago, I told you the secrets of your past. You know of the power you possess, and you know of the Great Warriors you will lead. You know of your destiny and your duty, and now it is time for you to finally realize these things." Togepi said solemnly, she lept into the air and flipped. A small heart-shaped locket appeared. It was pale pink with a golden border. In the middle of the heart was a large blue crystal that shone in the twilight. It was held in place by a silver moon and a crown crossed over the crystal. "How beautiful.." she said, moving her fingers to touch it. Her fingers gently touched the warm pink metal and her body was instantly filled with energy. The mark of the moon appeared on her forehead and from it a beam of bright blue light raced to the sky and split into several points of light, it seemed at that moment several stars from the heavens fell to the sky, all converging on her. Kasumi felt nothing but peace and strength. * * * "Sshh, shh, Minako-chan! Stop being so conspicious!" Rei exclaimed, pushing Minako's head down and peaking her head above. Through the leaves of the plants she could see the handsome man that Minako was staring at, he had beautiful green eyes and long blue hair. Turning, he saw Rei. He stared at her intently, Rei flushed as she tried to redirect her gaze. Suddenly, she was pushed back down by Minako. By then, the man had disappeared. In his place was a man with red hair, a cold smirk played on his lips as he glared at Minako who was in the process of being shoved down back into the booth by Rei. "Will you two stop it, we're in a public place." Ami said covering her face. Usagi mumbled something as she swallowed a handful of frenchfries. Mako-chan was staring idly out the window when suddenly she jumped upward, "What is that?!" she exclaimed, knocking over a salt shaker. All eyes turned instantly to the window, sure enough they all saw the blue beam of light which came from the Earth to the sky. "Anou..." "Could it be Chibiusa-chan?" Rei asked, "It's not pink though, it's blue." Ami said quickly putting on her glasses for a better look. "Maybe it's what Luna was talking about!" Minako exclaimed standing up, her hand knocking over a her milkshake. The remaining contents flew onto Rei's blouse. "Ah gomen, gomen!" Minako apologized. "It's okay, let's go, this could be serious." Rei declared, taking off her blouse and revealing another shirt underneath it. Four of the girls stood up immediately, Usagi grabbed another handful of frenchfries and stood up moments later stuffing them in her face as they tried, though horribly failing, to act nonchalant as they left the restaurant. When it was clear they had left, the blonde man whom Rei and Minako had been eyeing appeared from another booth. He walked towards their table and looked down. Noticing Rei's blouse he picked it up. The man closed his eyes, as if he were trying to concentrate upon it. Wordlessly, he brought the garmet to his lips and inhaled slowly. Silently, he placed the discarded blouse inside the bookbag he was carrying and left the restaurant. * * * "The enemy is near." Togepi whispered, "I can feel their energy." But Kasumi wasn't listening, she stared down at her hands which were glowing with radiant blue energy that almost looked like gas flames. "Stop it right there!" shouted a voice from above. Kasumi instinctively looked up, five shapes jumped down from the trees and stood before Kasumi. Togepi had jumped to the bush behind Kasumi to hide. "We are the Sailor Team and we will not tolerate people who steal energy. I am the Pretty Solider of Love and Justice, Sailormoon! In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!" Super Sailormoon exclaimed pointing to Kasumi. "Sailor--WHAT? Who--who ARE you freaks?!" Kasumi exclaimed finding her voice, "Go find someone else to harass. Some people are so weird." she muttered and turned to walk away. "MARS...FLAME...SNIPER!" Sailormars shouted, firing an arrow towards Kasumi. It hit a nearby tree and ignited. Fearfully, Kasumi stared at the tree. She felt the anger in her blazing, "HOW DARE YOU!" she shouted, suddenly a stream of water burst from her hands and towards the Sailor Senshi. Terrified at what had happened, she began to run. "SHABON...Spray!" Sailormercury shouted, filling the air with bubble mist. Blindly, Kasumi felt around towards her. "Kasumi, these must be the enemy! I'm going to get help. Please, take the henshin wand out of your pocket and say, 'Aozuki Celestial Power, Make Up!'" Togepi ordered as she ran towards Kasumi. She dug deep into her pants pocket, pulled out the locket, and thrust it into the air, "Aozuki Celestial Power, MAKE UP!" Kasumi shouted. The locket glowed with blue light and beams shot down on her. Her body filled with a silver glow. The light beams hit the ground and she spun around, placing the locket on her chest. Blue ribbons shot out of it and covered her torso. There was a flash of light and the ribbons had become a serafuku bodysuit with a light blue shimmering collar and a silver bow. She held her arms out perpendicular and ribbons surrounded them too. In another flash of silver light, they had become long gloves edged with blue. Ribbons flew down from her waist and created a silver skirt. More ribbons flew down, this time creating a blue skirt. Where the skirt met her bodysuit, there was a belt-type thing that was blue with a stripe of silver in the middle. In the center there was a blue moon. Ribbons covered her feet from the toes up and created silver boots with blue edging with a silver moon on the top point. The silver moon flashed on her head and a silver tiara grew from it and the moon became a blue cresent-shaped jewel. She posed with her hand on her hip and her other hand in a peace-sign over her eyes. Her body and soul was filled with courage, a surge of energy she had never known before. For some odd reason, she felt like someone powerful, someone who had lived before. Fearlessly, she came out of her hiding place and stood before the five who began attacking her. "It's another Sailor Senshi!" Sailorjupiter exclaimed in shock, while this was true, it was obvious to the Senshi that she was a sharp contrast to them. She had a different prescence around her, something they couldn't quite explain. "I am the Senshi of the Blue Moon, Sailoraozuki, in the name of the Moon above--prepare to suffer!" she shouted and raised her hand to the sky. "Blue Moon Heartbreak!" she exclaimed. A long blue wand, atop with a silver moon appeared in her hand. She swung it around and twirled twice. She stopped and pointed it at Sailormars. Out of the end of the wand came a bright beam of solid silver energy "Fire Soul Bird!" Mars countered. She threw a ward into the air, then brought her hands together creating a stream of fire that formed a bird made of flames which flew aggressively towards the light beam. However, the beam seemed to devour the bird thus making the beam even bigger than before. It continued towards it's targets, even more menacingly than before. Skillfully, Sailormars and Sailormercury darted out of it's way, nearly missing being hit. The beam headed towards a tree and disintigrated it on im[pact. "Sparkling..Wide Pressure!" Sailorjupiter shouted, creating a ball of lightning. "Golden Arrow, Strike!" shouted a voice from behind the Sailor Senshi. A beautiful shining arrow made of pure energy cut through the air and struck Sailorjupiter in the back, her own attack disappearing. From the darkness, a figure walked forward. All eyes turned to see yet another Sailor Senshi. This girl had a length of beautiful red hair styled wildly. She wore a dark red skirt with a gold bow and a locket that was similar to Sailoraozuki's except that her's had a golden crystal. Adorning her hair was a golden tiara which had a red moon in the center. Sailoraozuki stared at the senshi momentarily, before realizing this was the help Togepi was referring to. "I am the Senshi of the Golden Moon, Sailorkinzuki. I don't believe five against one is a very fair fight." she said calmly. "Oh, and two against five makes you stronger?" Sailormars demanded angrily, as she stared in horror at her fallen friend. "I believe the score is actually two against four, which, considering the team we're playing, doesn't seem to be much of a problem." "ONORE!" Sailormars shouted, bringing her hands together, flame blazing on her fingertips. "Teleportation!" Sailorleo cried suddenly, a bright light blinding everyone including Sailorkinzuki rose from the ground. Kinzuki felt her arm being grabbed towards someone and then felt the sensation of being lifted. When the light died down, she could see that she was inside a round, blue bubble which was hovering in the air. Looking down, she could see the Sailor Senshi squinting upwards towards them. Sailormoon shaded her eyes as she watched the shining orb fly into the sky and disappear. Sighing, she looked down at Sailorjupiter who was still unconcious. "Will she be okay?" Sailormars asked, small tears forming at the corner of her eyes. Sailormercury was busy punching keys on her computer, "She should be fine. Nothing that a few days of healing won't fix." she replied with a sigh of relief. "Who WERE they?!" Sailorvenus exclaimed, still looking up at the sky. "I can't believe two people did so much damage. How frightening." "I knew there was something going on in Juuban-ku. Those new 'exchange students' must have something to do about it." Luna said knowingly, "They could be fake senshi from another dimension." "They..were too good to be fake." Sailorjupiter whispered, her eyes opening just slightly. She was obviously hurt. Sailormoon bent down and grabbed Sailorjupiter's hand, "Don't worry Mako-chan, they'll pay for this. I swear they will."