Heeeeelllooooo???? Is anybody out there? I want to know what you think of my story. ;_; sniff. Maybe nobody is reading it and I'm writing for nothing. Maybe I shouldn't continue. ;_; Kasumi-sama, Aozuki no Hime (Kasumi, the Princess of the Blue Moon) Part 11 - Tanin no Daku e/Into the Arms of a Stranger By: Kitsune-chan (kitsune-chan@trust-me.com) Official Webpage: http://anime.at/pokemonorg/ (Visit it, it'll be worth your while) Note: There's a whole bunch of comments made in this episode to Japanese cultural stuffs. Here's a quick explanation to those who don't know anything about it. Idols = Think people like Britney Spears. EXTREMELY popular singers and stuff with bubblegum images who have fast and furious careers. One hit wonders and the sort. They're huge in Japan. Namie = Namie Amuro, a very popular idol. Two of her albums sold 3 million (each). If you asked someone if they knew who Namie Amuro was, chances are, unless they were living under a rock, they'd know. (BTW, I like Namie, she's so cute ;P) Hey Hey Hey! = Sort of a music variety show. Anyways, that should do it...onwards, my friends. So, this is what it's like to be unwanted? Kasumi thought to herself as she stared down at the city below. I had nearly forgotten what it's like to be alone...I don't miss it. Kasumi closed her eyes and held her arms out at her side, the stars in the black sky melted with the city lights below making it seem as she were on the edge of the world. She felt a tear slip down her cheeks. There was no one left, now was there? She had more or less quit being a Celestial Senshi...and it was only in that team did she feel accepted. I hate this. I hated being a Celestial Senshi. But I hate being alone even more. If I just took one little jump...then I could be in the company of my ancestors. "KASUMI-CHAN!" a voice exclaimed from behind her, the girl jumped a bit in surprise. She turned around and could see through the darkness that it was Atsumi. "Atsumi-chan, you scared me." Kasumi said, pushing her sadness far below. She was actually very happy to see Atsumi, she hadn't seen anyone else...but then again, Atsumi wasn't a Celestial Senshi, what did she care? "How did you find me anyway?" Kasumi asked, moving away from the ledge of the cliff and moving towards Atsumi. "Your mother told me you liked to take walks up here. Wow, it's really beautiful." Atsumi said, taking in her surroundings. "Did you need something?" Kasumi asked politely, "No...I was just...worried..." Atsumi said with a gentle smile, "I thought you might like some company...so you wouldn't have to be alone anymore." So you wouldn't have to be alone anymore. It's...it's like she knew what I was thinking. "Well, I was just heading down to the Tokyo Center...Sora-chan is signing autographs!" Atsumi exclaimed, blushing slightly, "I just LOVE Sora-chan!" "The Idol, right? Oh, Atsumi-chan..." Kasumi said with a smile, "She made a better model than she does a singer." she commented as they walked down the hill together. "I think she's got a wonderful voice. She's like Namie!" Atsumi exclaimed, "And she's so cute and wonderful! She sounds like such a neat person from the interview I saw on Hey Hey Hey!" she then added. This feels nice, Ameko thought as she smiled and laughed, it feels nice to not be alone. This must be how normal girls feel. * * * "It's so good to have the Garnet Orb back." Setsuna replied as she polished the ornament carefully. "I'm sure that Mako-chan is glad to be part of the team again." Michiru smiled as she rest her head on her chin. "Then of course we have this..." Haruka said, pointing to the menacing blade of the Silence Glaive. She refused to touch it, it was too disturbing. "Sailorsaturn is extremely powerful, isn't she? I never realize it when I look at her as Hotaru. She's so happy and lively...but then as Saturn, she grows cold." Michiru said, her tone serious. "The cold eyes of Saturn." she murmured, she shivered slightly as she pictured it in her mind. "How I hate those eyes..." "Her power surpasses the rest of ours, but there's a price. Power is a double-edged sword. What do you chose? To sacrifice yourself so that others can live, or to allow horrors to occur...so that your life won't be taken?" Haruka asked rhetorically. I know what I would choose, Michiru thought. I would choose you, Haruka. "Mmm...So, when Hotaru returns again, how strong will Saturn be then?" Michiru asked, "I'm not sure, Michiru, you're supposed to be the smart one." Haruka said with a sarcastic smile. "She is the Senshi That Must Never Awaken.." Setsuna said quietly, her seriousness breaking the momentary reverie, "If Saturn awakens, the world shall end. This is what Queen Selenity said in the Silver Millennium. We use her power in such a trivial manner. She was never made to fight along side with us. She is the cleanser, the purifier, the destroyer." "Setsuna-san, and she's been reborn once already and awakened twice...and also fought along with us--and the world hasn't ended yet." Michiru pointed out. Setsuna looked at her grimly and stared into the Garnet Orb, "Yet.." * * * Styx gazed at Erebus' sleeping figure, resting so peacefully and comfortably on the large bed. How easy it was, easy to seduce this monarch and manipulate her to his own whims. If only Tartarus could be so easily wooed, he could control the entire Berakuu Staa Galaxy himself. At least Erebus was beautiful, thankfully enough. He gently stroked Erebus' long, blood-red hair. Blood-red. Like Sasoriza's enticing eyes. Styx smirked to himself, how he hated that creature. He hated and despised everything about her, her dark beauty, her commanding prescence, her strength, her abilities, and most of all her relationship with his brother. I want to destroy her, he thought, mentally and physically. "Styx..." Erebus murmured, her eyes half open as she reached up to touch his face gently. "What are you thinking about?" "Nothing, my princess." he cooed, kissing her lithe hands tenderly. "I was just thinking of how I might further service you and Princess Tartarus on the battlefield." "Styx, you're so wonderful." Erebus sighed breathlessly as she sat up and brushed a strand of hair out of her face, "What was it that you had in mind?" "I was just thinking, my princess, that perhaps you should allow me to go to Earth. Forget about Mnemosyne, like Sasoriza, no doubt it is another of my brother's failures. You cannot afford to lose again. Please, let me take charge of acquiring the Celestial Stars." he said as he ran the tip of his finger along Erebus' collarbone. "Yes, that's a wonderful idea. You had a great deal to do with the first invasion of Earth, I'm sure that you will once again be successful." Erebus nodded, although she sounded knowledgeable on the history of the Berakuu Staa Galaxy, she really was not. She had a very poor memory, it was Tartarus who knew those things such as history. "Thank you, my liege." Styx said and placed a kiss right below Erebus' neck, "I must prepare for my trip to Earth." he said as he rose up from her bed and gathered up his clothing. "My dearest, you should rest. There is no doubt that I will return to you with great news." he added as he buttoned up his uniform. Everything is going as planned, he smirked, Erebus grows more and more malleable as the days wear on and soon Sasoriza will be mine as well. * * * "Oh wow! Sora-chan's performing here too? I thought she was just signing autographs!" Imite squealed. "Ne, ne, Musashi-san, Natsume-chan, Erika-chan, aren't you two excited? We're going to get to see an actual performance by Niko-chan!" "I don't really like Sora-chan..." Natsume said idly, her attentions were focused on two boys a few yards away from her. They were in line to get Sora-chan's autograph as well, "I mean, she's really cute and everything, but I don't like her music." "Well, how about you, Musashi-san?" Imite asked, slightly disappointed that it seemed no one was sharing her sentiments, "I can't understand Japanese singing." Musashi replied, without tone in her voice. She seemed to be in a daze, "That's a lie." Erika frowned, "Yes you can, you speak Japanese perfectly with barely an accent after spending seven years in England. I'm sure you are intelligent enough to figure out singing." she added with an icy edge to her words. This girl is impossible, Imite thought to herself, she's always so negative. Even when I try to be nice to her. Why is she so... antisocial? "Yeah, okay, you can think I'm lying." Musashi said waving her hand to show her apathy towards Imite. "Then, WHY, are you here?" Erika demanded. Musashi blinked for a moment, good question, she thought, why AM I here? "Because I can be." Musashi replied. What a lie, she thought to herself. The truth is, I don't want to be home alone. She felt so lonely here, and she wasn't even sure why. Well, actually, she'd always felt lonely. Even when she was surrounded by friends, even when she had a boyfriend, she never felt quite...right. Loneliness and guilt, what horrible things to feel constantly. "Erika-chan, move up!" Imite said, jabbing Erika in the back with her Sora-chan CD. Erika obediently, albeit mindlessly, moved forward. "What are you looking at?" Imite asked curiously, looking over where Erika's attention was diverted towards. "Those two..." Erika murmured, "aren't they handsome?" "Hmm...that man looks...strangely familiar." Imite said, she was staring at the young man with the long green hair and sharp green eyes. "AH! It's the boy that Kanna-san's obsessed with, Koijiro!" Imite exclaimed. Just then, the man turned towards the group, his eyes settling on Natsume. "Ara, he's looking at you, Natsume." Erika said, her voice twinged with jealousy. Natsume always got the stares, she had perfect skin, long dark green hair and striking violet eyes, and an air of self-confidence that men seemed to love, but that was obviously all external. Every advance was met with a sneer or smirk or some ego-crushing comment. But that was long ago, a time that Natsume prefered not to think about. Natsume felt herself shiver, she didn't quite no why, but the idea that this man was looking at her so intently bothered her. She felt...guilty. "Erika-chan, move up!" Imite exclaimed again. Obediently, Erika took a few steps forward. "Maybe he'll come over here and talk to-- hey...where did he go?" Erika asked, she had only looked away for a split second. "He shouldn't have been staring like that at me anyways, he's got a lover." Natsume replied. Imite gave her a puzzled look, "How do you know that? Oh, Kanna-san will be so crushed..." Imite sighed. Natsume opened her mouth to answer, but couldn't find the answer herself. How DID she know that? * * * "Sora-chan, you are so wonderful!" Minako squealed as she watched the idol sign her name on Minako's Official Sora-chan Fanbook, now an Official AUTOGRAPHED Sora-chan Fanbook. "I hope that one day I can be as famous as you are." she sighed contentfully. Ami smiled as she watched the girl behind the desk signing autographs. According to the fanbook, she was 17. She was half American and half Japanese. Full name: Cassidy "Sora" Kazeno. The girl was certainly cute, and very stylish as well. Her hair was blond in a very original style. Twin ponytails with poofs at the end. Her clothing was very original as well. "Excuse me, Sora-san. Could you please sign this for my friend Usagi? She's a big fan of yours, but...she's sick." Ami requested, setting down Sora-chan's debut cd in front of her. "Sure." Sora-chan said, flashing her trademark cute-girl smile. "To Usagi: Get well soon! Your friend, Sora-chan." Sora-chan said as she read aloud what she was writing. After dotting her 'i' with a heart, Sora-chan handed the CD back to Ami. "Isn't she just wonderful? She's so NICE!" Minako exclaimed happily as the two of them walked away from the line. "Yes, she's very pleasant." Ami said nodding in agreement, "It must be really fun to be an idol." "Are you kidding? It's the best! One day, I'm going to be an Idol and you'll see me on everything, just like Sora-chan." Minako beamed, "I think I'll go by Mina-chan, or maybe Mina-rin...Mina-P?" Ami shook her head gently and chuckled at her friend, "Ne, maybe you should focus on studying first...then work on your music career later." she suggested. Minako laughed, "It's just like you to say that!" * * * Cassidy sighed as she opened the door to the make-shift dressing room that the mall had set up for her to take breaks in. She cringed slightly at the name 'Sora-chan' which was emblazoned upon a star on the door. She closed the door behind her and took a seat at the vanity table. Cassidy stared at herself, the ridiculous cutesy-makeup and clips in her hair. One by one, she pulled the tiny jewel-pins out of her hair and ran her fingers through her hair. "How did I ever get to this..." she sighed. She was quite tired of this daily charade. She always dreamed she'd be a singer, but this wasn't what she expected. It wasn't...her. This sweet-as-sugar, perfectly angelic guise was not her at all. Not that it was a BAD thing that all sorts of children and others looked up to her as their idol of the perfectly behaved, ultra-sweet girl...but it wasn't her. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on her door. Her heart began to race with excitement, she hoped it was that VERY handsome man she had met earlier that day. "Come in!" she sang, the door opened slowly and in walked in the man she hoped it would be. He was tall, with slightly messy red hair, he looked like many of the j-rock stars she had met and dated. He was dressed in a black button up shirt, the top buttons undone, a barbed-wire necklace wresting upon his collar bone. "Aku-kun..." Cassidy teased, "I'm so glad you're here. I've been so bored." Styx smirked at Cassidy, what a child, he thought, this silly singer-model. It was just too easy sometimes. Thank Hades I was born with such devilishly handsome looks. 'Aku' ran his hand through his hair as he walked over to Cassidy and stood behind her, placing his hands gently on her shoulders and massaging them very gently. "How long is your break?" he whispered sensually. Cassidy shivered, "About an hour..." she murmured. "That's perfect." he whispered and with one, very strong movement, he picked her up and carried her to the couch in her dressing room and set her down as he sat upon it so he was facing her. "I promise, that this won't be boring." he murmured with a crooked smile as he bent over to kiss her. "Sleep..." he whispered over her face, placing his hand on her forehead. Cassidy's eyes went blank momentarily, when they reopened, a new pair of eyes was staring back at Styx. "What do you wish for me to do, Master Styx?" she asked, her voice almost monotone. Styx smirked at the girl, this really is too easy, he mused. "I'll explain that to you later..." he murmured, and stroked her cheek gently, quite an exquisite creature, this'll be fun, he thought to himself as he leaned over towards her and kissed her passionately. * * * Minako looked woefully into her coin purse, two small silver coins with a hole in the center stared back at her. "Ami-chan..." she wailed, "I only have a 100 yen [about a dollar] left!" Ami patted Minako on the back sympathetically, "Well, we should get going anyways." she said as she glanced at her watch, "Rei wanted us to be over at 5:00 and it's 4:00...you know how the subway gets around this time..." "You're right..." Minako sighed as they walked towards the exit, her arms weighed down by the 5 bags of clothes and accessories she had just bought. "At least I bought all these cute sweaters." Just then, they heard screams of terror coming from the other side of the mall. "The Celestial Senshi..." Minako murmured, "What if they have Sora-chan?! All those children who came to see her...We have to go help them!" * * * "Stop there!" shouted a voice, "In the name of the Golden Moon, I am Sailorkinzuki!" cried a figure. The girl turned around and smirked at Kinzuki, she was dressed like a Celestial Senshi. Her uniform had a dark blue skirt, in the center of her chest was a silver bow, upon that was a blue brooch with the sign of Libra emblazoned upon it. "The Celestial Senshi..." the girl laughed, "You wouldn't fight one of your own, would you?" she asked, her hair was in twin blond ponytails with poofs at the ends...very unusual... "Sora-chan..." Sailortaurus murmured as it suddenly hit her who this was, it was often hard to tell who Senshi were outside of their uniform. However for other Senshi it was easier, and in this case, the very distincitve hairstyle made it very obvious. "Why would you do this, Sora-chan?" Taurus asked, shocked that the popular idol would attack her fans. "Sora-chan," the girl scoffed, "That girl doesn't exist, you are speaking to Sailorlibra!" "Sailorlibra..." Gemini whispered under her breath, another one of them. How many where there? Seeing as the team could barely function with seven members, the strain of another one could bring their collapse. "Sailorlibra indeed..." a voice said, fire exploded near Libra and a male figure walked out, dressed in all-too-familiar uniform of the Berakuu Staa Galaxy. He smirked at Celestial Senshi and put his arm around Libra's waist, roughly bringing her to his side. "Don't we make a beautiful couple?" he asked, his eyes gazing at Taurus. His look made her uneasy, it was so full of...lust. It made her shiver. "You did this to her, didn't you!" Virgo demanded, "KISAMA!" "If you're lucky," Styx said in a husky voice, "You could be next." and with that he kissed her passionately, embarassingly passionately, in front of the Celestial Senshi, his eyes still locked upon them. "I won't forgive this!" Kinzuki shouted, "Golden Moonbeam!" she cried. Just then, Libra's body leapt into action, "Turbulance Storm!" she shouted, two streams of energy appeared around her arms. The two streams rotated around one-another, creating a powerful wind that destroyed the moonbeam. Styx smirked once again, and disappeared in a burst of flames, let them destroy each other, he thought to himself with amusement. Sailorlibra leapt into the air and it seemed as though she could fly, landing on a trash can, leaping off onto something else--her speed was fast, and it seemed as though there was more than one Libra leaping about them. "What kind of Senshi is she..." Taurus murmured as she began to feel frightened, was she like the Outer Senshi of the Sailor Team, stronger than the others? "Ice Freeze!" Virgo shouted, aiming for one of the many Libra's which were seemingly leaping around them in circles. Before she could attack again, she cried out as a blast of wind struck her in the back. She flew towards a wall and hit it hard. She collapsed from the pain. "She's too fast..." Kinzuki murmured under her breath, too fast...and there wasn't anyone here who could help. But her pride wouldn't allow for it. "DIE!" Kinzuki cried as she sent out another Moonbeam. "Blue Moon Heartbreak!" cried a voice from afar, the light rained over the Celestial Senshi and the false Libra's disappeared, leaving the real one visible to the rest. "Ice Purification!" Gemini cried out, the ice struck Libra directly. "AKU!" Libra cried out. Her eyes suddenly ent blank and she collapsed to the ground, Sailorlibra melted away and Sora-chan lay there unconscious. * * * "Aozuki..." Taurus murmured, in the distance she saw Aozuki standing there. Looking very distraught. "Thank y--" "What the hell are you doing interfering with us?" Kinzuki demanded, "I thought you quit!" she sneered, "We didn't need your help at all." "Kinzuki!" Aquarius exclaimed, "How can you say that? There's no way we could have beat Libra without Aozuki!" "She's the one who quit, now she'll never know that we can function without her. We don't need her, she just wanted us to think that." Kinzuki said coldly as she de-transformed. "That's not true!" Aozuki cried, tears filling her eyes. "I just wanted to help you!" "Of course it's true. All you care about is your feelings, you don't care about any of us. If you did, you wouldn't have been a coward and quit. You are just a selfish coward who wants attention." Musashi replied, her voice calm and icy. "That's not me! That's you!" "If it makes you feel better to belittle others, then I hope you are having fun." Musashi snapped. "I...I hate you!" Aozuki screamed, "That's not true!" tears streamed down her face. Her soul was broken, it could be easily seen on her face. Her bright blue eyes glazed over with anguish. "Look at you crying like that, you're absolutely pathetic." Musashi snapped. "MUSASHI!" Virgo exclaimed, without another thought, her hand flew up and struck Kinzuki across the face, "How dare you say that!" "Aozuki-chan! Come back!" Taurus cried as Aquarius turned from the scene and ran away from them, heading towards the exits. She detransformed on the way, running out as Hanada Kasumi. Taurus looked to follow Aozuki, but she couldn't leave Sora-chan unconcious. "STOP FIGHTING!" Taurus shouted, "Help Kasumi-chan! Please! She's not stable right now!" But her pleas fell on deaf ears. * * * Kasumi ran. Ran as fast as she could to get away from Jessica and the others. Tears blurred her vision, but she knew exactly where she was going. Up the hill, past the bamboo forest, where the Sky and on Earth were set with starry diamonds. To be honest, she wasn't thinking very clearly. The pain she felt was too strong. She had never been accepted by her peers before in her life. She never had friends, she never thought that her prescence on Earth made a difference--but then she found everything she longed for. Acceptance, friends, a feeling of worth--only to have it ripped away from her once again. I've always hidden my emotions behind a happy smile and a good attitude, but I can't do it anymore. Her legs began to tire as she ran up the hill, but she wouldn't stop. She would never stop. She would run until she reached Heaven. She was approaching the cliff. Kasumi closed her eyes, as she neared the crest. This was something she would not back down from. She lived her life as a coward, she wouldn't enter Death as a coward. She would run to eternity...and so she did. Whispering a word of goodbye, Hanada Kasumi leapt off the cliff... And into the arms of an Angel. Questions? Comments? Predictions? Sunflower seeds? Pictures of Mulder? All are graciously accepted, especially the sunflower seeds coz I'm addicted to them and the pictures of Mulder because..oh, I don't have to explain why. You all know why...I hope... ;P