Kasumi-sama, Aozuki no Hime (Kasumi, the Princess of the Blue Moon) Part 2: Yureru to Ame/Tremors and Rain By: Kitsune-chan (kitsune-chan@trust-me.com) Official Webpage: http://anime.at/pokemonorg/ Standard Disclaimer goes here --------> You already know it, so I'm not gonna waste time explaining it. Okay, here's some more Japanese names: Lily - Botan Violet - Ayame Daisy - Sakura Natsume - Sabrina Rei stared into the large fire before her, she concentrated on an o-mamori, "O-honou...teki o misete onegashimasu...teki o misete onegaishimasu.." she chanted. The fire burned brighter and rose higher. Rei continued to chant these words under her breath. Usagi leaned against the wall, watching Rei in a trance. She didn't want to look ungrateful, but she was incredibly bored. Only Ami and Mako-chan were watching Rei, Minako was looking down at her nails. Finally, Rei sighed. "Nothing." "Nothing? How can there be nothing? Did you ask the sacred fire the right question?" Usagi asked, "Of course I did Usagi no baka. You heard me chanting, ne? I asked it to show me the new evil ones...but I found nothing." Rei said in frustration, "How can there be nothing? We know Kasumi is Sailoraozuki!" "Well, actually, Rei-chan..." Ami began looking upwards, "We don't know that. My Shabon Spray blocked our vision for awhile. Sailoraozuki could be a protector of the innocent, like we are." "Ami-chan always the voice of reason." Minako grinned, "That's true, but I refuse to believe that. Kasumi IS Sailoraozukio! How can you explain the fact that energy came from her hands and then Sailoraozuki did the same thing?" Rei demanded, "Besides...every day she gives me little smiles like she knows she beat me." Usagi burst into laughter and rolled her eyes, she picked up a copy of a stray manga which was laying on the tatami floor, "I think Jessica is just being friendly. How would she know that you're Sailormars? Besides, the fire could have come from Aozuki who was behind the bushes." Usagi commented as she flipped through the manga, "Hmm, so Sana-chan and Hayama-kun are a couple now..." she murmured as she read the pages. "I am NOT that petty! Stop saying I'm jealous of Kasumi! I'm NOT!" Rei exclaimed, she reached over and grabbed the book out of Usagi's hands. "I was reading that! Why are you being so mean to me? It's not my fault we got beat by Senshi with better powers." Usagi wailed, "Thanks for your vote of confidence." Mako-chan replied dryly. "That's not what I meaaannnt!" Usagi whined, she gave Mako-chan and Rei a teary look, "Why are you taking what I say so seriously?" "Usagi! Stop being such a child!" Luna shouted. Usagi instantly stopped, it was like turning off a water faucet. "Hmm...so what do we do now?" Ami asked, taking off her glasses and chewing on the ends. The girls were silent as they glanced to Luna for advice. Finally, she sighed, "I don't know..." * * * Musashi stared closely at Natsume and Erika. The other night after the battle, she and Kasumi escaped to Kasumi's house, it was there Musashi learned the truth: 'You two belong to the legendary Celetsial Senshi, the strongest Senshi in this galaxy. But, you are only two of fourteen. You have been reborn on Earth with the mission to find the Celestial Stars. It won't be an easy task. When you have recovered more Celestial Senshi, I shall tell you what the importance of the Celestial Stars is.' said Togepi, a wise advisor who was in the form of an egg Pokémon. That night, Togepi had taught Musashi and Kasumi how to see the auras of the other Celestial Senshi. Musashi thought that she could see them around the two girls, but she wasn't positively sure. Another problem was that she didn't know how to approach them about their true destinies. Perhaps I should go one person at a time, Musashi thought to herself. She glanced at Natsume, for some reason--she felt an urge to befriend her. "Hello, Natsume. My name is Musashi. Nice to meet you." she said. Natsume looked up from the book she was reading and smiled slightly, "Nice to meet you, Musashi-san." Natsume replied. Musashi fiddled with the red bow of her Juuban Koutou Gakkou uniform, "So, I heard you come from London, what brings you to Japan?" she asked, trying to make small talk. In the corner of her eye, she could see Erika watching them intently for a moment, then leave the room. "My father is a professor at Tokyo University. He's lived here for several years and we decided it was time to follow. I wanted to finish grade school in England." Natsume replied, Musashi thought she had such a cute British accent. "And you?" Natsume asked. "Oh, well, we moved from Okinawa because...well, actually, I don't know why we did. I think my parents just wanted to live here." Musashi shrugged, the school bells chimed that it was time for class to end. Natsume stood up, "Well, Musashi-san, it was a pleasure to meet you. Perhaps we can talk again some other time?" Natsume asked, she sounded like she was in a hurry. She glanced at her watch, "Sure, any time..." Musashi began, but before she could finish, Natsume had run off. * * * "There is a new force at work." Hotaru said clearly. "Nani?" Michiru asked, looking up from her violin. "There is new evil." Hotaru repeated, her violet eyes far away. "We have had peace for too long." Setsuna said matter-of-factly, "It was only a certain amount of time before the evil would revealt itself." "Do you think the others could handle it on their own?" Haruka asked. "No, they'll need our help, most definately." Hotaru said decidedly, her face firm. * * * Erika walked quietly back to her home. "Erika-san!" called a voice behind her, Erika turned around. Coming towards her was Kasumi, that beautiful orange-haired girl. She had a radiance around her that made everyone like her, she was very charismatic, although a bit arrogant. She was dressed in the uniform of the elite T*A Academy, which Erika thought had cuter uniforms. "Hello, Kasumi-san..." Erika greeted. "Hello, it's a nice day isn't it?" Kasumi asked, she was staring at Erika intently. Erika began to feel self-conscious and wished that Kasumi would stop looking at her. Kasumi's smile grew slightly as she seemed to discover something about Erika. "Erika-san, do you ever...have strange dreams that you've lived before somewhere else? Some other time? That you are a part of the universe in some way which is more special than others?" Kasumi asked seriously. Erika didn't know whether she should take Kasumi seriously or not. What kind of question was that to ask someone who was practically a stranger. "Sailoraquarius.." whispered a voice. Erika looked down, there was an egg Pokémon. "What...I..." Erika stammered, she was confused, not so much afraid as confused. "Take this, Erika-san." Kasumi said and thrust a beautiful blue pen in Erika's hands. Erika looked down, "How'd you know that I am an Aquarius?" Erika asked, "Nevermind that." Kasumi snapped, her friendly demeanor melting away and being replaced with impatience. "I've got a story to tell you, Erika-chan." Togepi began, "But first let's go someplace more secluded..." * * * Natsume walked home from the library, after her conversation with Musashi. "Strange." she murmered as she walked through the park. It was almost deserted. Suddenly, something fell out of her school bag. She picked it up. "What a beautiful pen..." she murmered. It was a green-handled wand topped with a moon with a green star in the middle of the star, the sign of Taurus was engraved. She bent down to pick it up and as she studied it closer, a beam of pastel green light came down from the heavens and converged on her forehead where the sigil of Taurus shone brightly. * * * The Inner Senshi were all watching the sun set outside of Hikawa-jinja when they saw the light from the heavens come down about a quarter of a mile away. "It's them!" Rei exclaimed as she jumped up, "Don't say that. For all you know it's Kasumi again. And hey, she could be your daughter from the future, stranger things have happened." Usagi giggled. "No. It's not Kasumi, it's someone else. Look at the color of the beam. Its green, not blue." Rei said, ignoring Usagi's comments. "Mars Crystal Power, Make UP!" Rei shouted, throwing her henshin wand into the air and transforming. "Moon Crisis, Make UP!" Usagi cried, The remaining three girls called out the magic words to make them transform into the Bishoujo Senshi. * * * Erika stared at the girl looking at her. She had the same short dark blue hair and green eyes, but she was dressed in a sailorfuku with a bright blue skirt and light purple bow. She had a silver brooch with the sign of Aquarius engraved on it. Around her neck was a blue choker with the symbol of Aquarius in silver. Upon her head was a silver tiara, sitting in its center was an amythest in the shape of a star. look at herself in the mirror she had in her room. "This is what happens when I say, 'Aquarius Celestial Power, Make Up?'" she asked herself. She was given the wand and told the story, then Kasumi and Togepi left her to let the truth sink in. Curiosity had gotten the best of Erika and now she was transformed into a Zodiac Senshi. Needless to say, Erika was perplexed at the entire situation. "Well...it looks nice with my hair." she commented after a brief moment. Erika then decided to go outside to get some fresh air, the entire situation was so strange she had to take a breather. She walked down her stairs, opened the door and stepped outside, still in her Celestial Senshi uniform. The moment she stepped outdoors twenty points of light from the heavens shot down and converged on Erika, the sign of Aquarius appearing on her forehead. "Sailoraquarius! What are you doing?" Togepi shouted, jumping from the bushes and staring at her. But Sailoraquarius was too awestruck by the beauty of the light to respond. * * * "I will never forgive those who hurt innocent people in the guise of a saviour. I am the Pretty Suited Sailor Soldier of Love & Justice! In the name of the Moon, I shall punish you!" shouted Sailormoon. Natsume turned around, a fearful look on her face as she stared at the Inner Senshi. She quickly tucked the henshin wand into her pocket so that they wouldn't notice it. "Another one?" Sailorvenus whispered to Sailormercury. Sailormercury looked at her computer and punched in a few keys, "She's certainly human." she replied. "You want to punish me? What did I do?" Natsume asked innocently. Before the Sailor Team could answer, two flashes jumped down from the trees and landed by her. "I see you're all healed up from the last time we met." Sailorkinzuki snickered, she arrogantly tossed her beautiful red hair over her shoulders. "Since we had to listen to your little speech, allow us to introduce ourselves." "I am the Guardian of the Blue Moon, Sailoraozuki! In the name of Peace and Harmony, you will be conquered!" said the orange haired Senshi proudly. "And I am the Radiant Senshi of the Golden Moon, Sailorkinzuki! I shall destroy you in the name of the Heavens which house the Golden moon!" Kinzuki replied, giving a slight, sarcastic bow. "Oh, and you've met our friend." she said, waving her hand to Natsume. "Natsume, get out of here." Aozuki hissed at her. Natsume looked at her before realizing what she had to do. She nodded at Aozuki and ran off. * * * "Natsume-sama, you must help them." Togepi whispered as Natsume stopped to catch her breath. "But how?" Natsume asked, "I can't fight them." "Take your henshin wand and say 'Taurus Celetial Power, Make Up'." Togepi instructed, "Now, I'm going to go get some more help. With that, the egg Pokémon ran away. "Taurus Celestial Power, Make Up?" Natsume called out half-heartedly, holding her henshin wand high in the air. Suddenly, the earth began to shake beneath her and her clothes melted away. The earth split open and stream of pale green light rose up. They twirled around her before rejoining the ground. Then they rose up as a single, solig beam of light, covering her. When it died down, Natsume was standing in a sailorfuku with a pastel green skirt, matching collar and heels, with navy blue bows. On her forehead was a silver tiara with a star-shaped emerald. * * * "Enough with the small talk. Answer our questions first, then we'll do YOU the honor of fully introducing ourselves." Sailormars replied snidely. "That's quite alright, we don't need to be bothered with such...pathetic creatures." Aozuki said coldly. "Venus! Love and Beauty...SHOCK!" Sailorvenus suddenly shouted, blowing a kiss to the Celestial Senshi and sending it towards them. "Seismic Quake!" a voice yelled out and suddenly, the earth seemed to swallow up Venus's attack. "What?!" she exclaimed in shock and disbelief. "I am the Senshi of Green Earth, Sailortaurus!" another senshi came out of the shadows. She had long dark green hair and wore a senshi fuku with a pastel green skirt and a dark blue bow. "Freezing Mist!" another voice chanted, a gust of freezing mist hitting the Sailor Senshi and freezing them into blocks of ice. The Celestial Senshi looked to see a girl with chin-length dark blue hair in a sailorfuku. Her skirt and collar were a shimmering blue while her bows were pale violet. "I am Sailoraquarius." she introduced herself to the others. Then. A red rose. It cut through the ice, freeing the Senshi from their icy prison. "Strength through determination is the only way to defeat this enemy. Do not allow the villains from the Dead Moon to get the best of you." said Tuxedo Kamen from the roof of Kasumi's house. Sailorkinzuki shot him a dark look, "Get a clue. We aren't from the Dead Moon, whatever that is, nor are we poser Senshi. Don't try and rationalize the fact your little pets are weaker than we are." "Then...tell us...where are you from?" Sailormoon asked, "Are you on our side?" Sailorjupiter chimed. Sailortaurus glanced to Sailoraozuki who was silent. All of a sudden she shouted, "Teleportation!" and with a flash of blue light, the four Senshi had mysteriously disappeared. The Sailor Senshi were left dumbfounded. They had never been in such a situation before. There were no youma, no fights to the death. Just Senshi who made snide comments. "This is a battle you cannot win on your own. Call the Outer Senshi." said Tuxedo Kamen coldly before disappearing into the night. Sailormoon stared after him, why was he being so cold to her? "Call the Outer Senshi?" Sailorvenus repeated, "Why would we do that? We can fight them on our own!" she called after him. Sailormoon didn't say another word. She shuddered. The way that Mamoru had just spoken to her angered her. Didn't he have faith in her or the Inner Senshi? Why didn't he suggest they fight themselves? Why did he run away so quickly? These thoughts raced through Sailormoon's head. Why? Why? Why? Suddenly, Sailormoon decided that she hated the Outer Senshi.