Kasumi-sama, Aozuki no Hime (Kasumi, the Princess of the Blue Moon) Part 5: Uramashisa Doku/Poison Envy By: Kitsune-chan (kitsune-chan@trust-me.com) Official Webpage: http://anime.at/pokemonorg/ Okay, if you do not want this story to be spoiled, do not read the translations section. "Togepi! We have a star!" Kasumi squealed, it was the first time she had been so happy. Imite carefully picked up the heart shaped object with the red jewel embedded within it. "This is one of the Celestial Stars?" Imite asked quizzically, "What's it do?" she asked, and held it up to the sky. Nothing happened. "Well, it itself is not actually a star. Its a piece of the Fifth Star. From what I gather, this is the location of the Stars." Togepi began, she looked up from a large piece of paper with odd writing on it. "The Three Talismen, make the Sixth Star. The Silence Glaive also is also half of the Fourth Star." Togepi started, Kanna looked up. "The..Silence Glaive? That thing Sailorsaturn had?" Kanna asked, "Yes, that. The fact that it is half a Star probably explains why she's so powerful." Togepi nodded. She looked back at her paper, "As I was saying, the Silver Crystal is the Seventh Star, the most powerful one. Sailormoon has it. It will most definatly be the hardest one to obtain. So we must prepare ourselves for the battle for it." she explained. "Now, the four remaining Inner Senshi each have a piece of Fifth Star, I do not know where however. There are also fourteen Celestial Senshi, who have a piece of the Third, Second, and First Star." Togepi said. Erika shook her head, "I am sooo confused!" she exclaimed. Natsume nodded in agreement. "Whats with the Stars anyway?" Musashi asked. "The Legend from the Celestial Millenium says that the Stars are pure power. When they are brought together, they form the Celestial Key. Something made during the Celestial Millenieum. It is universal power, the holder of the key would be ruler of the universe. If one of you Celestial Senshi were the holder of the key, you could release your Destruction Power. You could destroy whole worlds with just a few words." Togepi explained. Musashi's eyes widened. "Pure Power?" she repeated looking very interested in such an idea. "If I were to have the key.." she began, then quickly cut herself off, when she noticed her friends all staring at her. "I mean, if Lethe ever got that key, we'd be doomed!" she exclaimed, the girls nodded in agreement. "We MUST get the Stars before anyone else does!" she shouted. "YEA!" they all cried in unison, feeling spirited and lively all of a sudden. Musashi had such a way with words. "I created these communicators.." Togepi said tugging a box open with her paws, "They aren't really communicators per se, but each of you have one. Its a pin that lights up whenever the Sailor Senshi appear..that way we'll be able to take the Stars from them." Togepi explained and handed the pins out. * * * "LETHE!" Tartarus hissed. Lethe appeared before them in a puff of smoke, she twisted her hair around her finger in anxiety. "YOU FAILED!" Erebus screeched. "We told you not to." Tartarus said calmly. "DIDN'T WE SAY 'EITHER YOU GET THE STARS, OR YOU DIE'?" Erebus shouted, not being able to keep her calm. Lethe nodded nervously, she looked about and saw Styx standing in a far corner with his arms crossed, smirking at her cruelly. "THEN WHY DID YOU FAIL?!" Tartarus demanded, "ENOUGH OF YOU!" she shouted, she picked up the crystal ball and hurled it at an unsuspecting Lethe. The crystal exploded at her feet and a red goo oozed out, Lethe began to melt in the puddle of thick red substance, smoke rising up and filling the air with an acrid scent. Lethe screamed in pain and horror until she was no more. Styx disappeared in a blaze of fire, then reappeared before the Princesses. "Did I not tell you that she would fail, m'Princesses?" he asked, smirking playfully. "Yes, I believe so." Tartarus answered and looked off to the left, Erebus giggled, "Ooh yes! You are sooo smart! Who do you suggest we use now?" she asked. "Sasoriza.." he said simply, "She's a wonderful general ..not as good as myself, but you keep the best for last." he said arrogantly. "Good choice!" Erebus agreed, "Sasoriza! Show yourself!" she declared, a red mist appeared before them and wavered in and out, until a woman with long black hair stood before them. She glanced at Styx suspiciously with her red eyes. "You are going to take Lethe's place. You are going to get the Celestial Stars, or die as well." Tartarus said. "As you wish." she replied coldly then disappeared. "Well, Styx..?" Erebus asked, Styx smirked. "She won't succeed, but we can tire the Senshi out as she tries." he smiled. * * * Usagi looked blankly at the sky. The Senshi had gathered as friends outside Rei's temple for a bonfire. "Usagi-chan?" Minako asked and crwaled over to her, Usagi didn't notice as the blonde came up closer and waved her hand in front of her face. "Come back to as Usagi!" Minako said. "Mamo-chan.." Usagi mumbled. Rei rolled her eyes, then looked Ami who was also in a daze. However, a different daze. "The Kageboshi.." she sighed. Rei groaned, "Two zombies.." she muttered, and looked back at Mako who shrugged. Rei picked the marshmallow off the stick she was holding out and ate it. "I can't believe Pluto's talismen got stolen.." Rei sighed afterward, Usagi's eyes snapped. "Stop talking about them!" she exclaimed. "If it weren't for them we'd still be fighting those smoke monsters! Why are you so ungrateful? Sure they're arrogant, sure they might think we're all fools, but push your pride aside, Usagi! They're good, they help us. What more can you want!" Rei asked. Minako nodded in agreement with Rei, as did Mako and Ami. None of them could understand why Usagi was being so selfish lately. "Well, Well..if it isn't a Senshi party. But look, your not all dressed up yet.." said a voice. The girls turned quickly and saw a woman dressed in black with long black hair standing before them. "What happened to Lethe?" Usagi asked. "She was fated to die, as are you, Sailor Senshi." the woman smiled coldly. Ami blanched. This woman resembled Hotaru on many levels. If her hair wasn't as long and her eyes weren't red, she would be a dead ringer for Hotaru. "I am the face of death itself, Sasoriza. Sayonara." she whispered. "Venus Crystal Power, Make up!" Minako shouted jumping ahead of her friends in transforming, she soon transformed into Super Sailorvenus. "Venus Love and Beauty Shock!" she shouted, a golden wreath appeared in her hand, Venus raised her fingers up and blew a kiss, creating three golden hearts which she threw at the woman. Sasoriza darted out of the way, "Poison Hallucination.." she whispered, then shouted, "Venus Love and Beauty Shock!" in a mock Venus voice, she mimicked Venus' actions and three red hearts flew at Venus. Venus screamed and jumped away. "Mars Crystal Power, Make up!" Rei shouted and was soon Super Sailormars, "Mercury Crystal Power, Make up!" Ami shouted, "Jupiter Crystal Power, Make up!" Mako shouted, "Moon Crisis Make Up!" Usagi shouted, and soon they all had transformed as well into Super Senshi (Note: I never mentioned this earlier, but I just assumed everyone knew that they WERE Super Senshi by now, well if you didn't know, now you do.) "Mars..Flame..SNIPER!" Sailor Mars shouted, a red arrow appeared in her hands which she then shot at Scorpio. "Poison Death.." Sasoriza whispered, and created a ball of red energy which she threw at the Senshi. The ball hit everyone of them and knocked them all out, but it missed Mars completely. Sasoriza lept into the sky, and with a flick of her wrist her finger nails grew from extremely long to deadly sharp claws. She landed behind Mars and wrapped her arm around Mars' neck, the claws dangerously close to Mars' face. "Give me your Star..." she hissed. "Remove yourself from her, or I shall redefine the concept of 'airhead'.." said a voice, Sasoriza turned her head, and was face to face to a deadly sharp white blade. "In the name of the Silent World, Saturn. I am the Senshi of Destruction and Creation, Sailorsaturn!" the girl said introducing herself. Sasoriza threw Sailormars down to the ground, and stepped back, she turned around and smacked the Glaive out of Saturn's hands. "Not so strong now are you, little girl?" she asked with a sneer. "Poison Hallucination!" she shouted, a red mist appeared and surrounded Sailorsaturn. Saturn gasped as she began to see visions of her former evil self. Saturn looked frightened as she saw visions of Mistress 9 and the evil Sailorsaturn coming towards her to destroy her. A handsome man with grey hair...with a knife in his hands. Daddy? A dead woman rising from the grave, her hands wrapping around Saturn's throat... "Mommy...no..." she cried and dropped to her knees. "How do you like you nightmares, little one?" Sasoriza laughed. "STOP! PLEASE!" Sailor Saturn begged, "Maybe.." Sasoriza smirked, then bent down and picked up the Silence Glaive. "Menacing weapon for such a young child, you shouldn't play with toys like these, you'll liable to cut yourself.." Sasoriza laughed, with cruel precision she swiped the Glaive and left a long red gash on Saturn's arm. Sailor Saturn didn't cry, she remained calm, but tears shined in her eyes. "WORLD SHAKING!" Sailoruranus said, she had appeared out of nowhere. She raised up her hand and threw the ball of golden energy to the ground where it gained momentum then raised up and headed straight for Sasoriza. Scorpio jumped up, and the ball of energy hit Saturn. Saturn, not being able to keep calm any longer, cried out in pain. "SATURN!!!!!" Sailorneptune screamed who ran up behind Uranus and ran to the girl on the ground. Sasoriza smirked, then was surrounded with red mist, she wavered in and out then totally disappeared taking the Silence Glaive with her. Just then the Zodiac Senshi arrived in the blue bubble. Sailorkinzuki looked around, she saw the Sailor Senshi and sympathy flashed in her eyes, which she quickly hid. "Too late..lets go." Aozuki said, knowing it was a perfect time to get the other Talismen, but didn't have the heart to dare take one. "Teleportation!" she shouted, and soon they were carried away in the blue bubble once again. "WHO WAS THAT!?!" Sailoruranus screamed, taking out her Space Sword and stabbing the ground Sasoriza stood on before she disappeared. "Michiru-mama..I'm so tired.." Saturn whispered, calling Sailorneptune a name she used to call her. Saturn's uniform faded away and she lay on the ground and closed her eyes. Sailor Pluto then walked on to the scene, carrying the Time Staff without the Garnet Orb. She looked down at Hotaru and gasped. Hotaru had a long gash in her arm, as well as being struck with Uranus's misguided attack. As well as the fact her mentality was greatly damaged. "What more can possibly happen?" Neptune cried. The sky then seemed to darken before their eyes, the clouds swirled strangely and a tornado touched down before their eyes. The funnel cloud returned to the sky and a carbon copy of Sailorsaturn stood before them. But her fuku was completely black except for her long red bow and a stripe running down her colar and skirt. In her hands she held out something that looked like the Silent Glaive, yet it was red in color. "Bad timing, Neptune.." Sailor Moon said, she and the rest were slowly waking up. "No, I didn't come to hurt you.." the lookalike of Saturn said. Sailorpluto's eyes filled with tears. "Saturn? Another? Is it Sailorsaturn from the future?" Sailorvenus asked looking quizzically at both of them. Sailorpluto shook her head. "No, they aren't exactly the same person. That tornado did not appear due to time travel. It was a strange occurance of nature." Sailormercury responded typing into her computer. "Who are you?" Mars asked. "That does not matter now." the senshi spoke and handed the red Glaive to Pluto. "Who was that?" Jupiter asked. "That was a General of the Berakuu Staa Galaxy" the senshi said, reffering to the woman before. She walked over to Hotaru and touched her forehead, Hotaru's body filled with light, and all injuries seemed to disappear. "She destroyed my body. What you see now, is just an illusion that will disappear. My soul can't wander forever.. so I have filled this with my energy..and healed Saturn.." she smiled and held up the Glaive in her hands, "Destroyed you?" Pluto choked. "Yes..I didn't suppose you would know. I was left in the future, when all of a sudden a new enemy appeared and murdered Neo-Queen Serenity and Neo-Princess Serenity.." she said and looked at Sailormoon, "Your majesty.." she said with a polite bow. She turned back to Sailorpluto, "I was in the future, controlling nature..but I couldn't stop them..they won, Sailorpluto..don't let them get the Stars..don't let them win.. then perhaps, I won't be dead.." she whispered. "The future is destroyed..there is no Future now.. please don't let them win..don't let Sasoriza and where she hails from get the Stars..please..Don't let anyone get the Celestial Key." the sailor whispered, she then began to fade out, only a light was left where she was, the light entered the look alike Glaive she had given Pluto. "We can't let them win." she said with extreme determination in her voice. ***************** TRANSLATIONS ***************** Sasoriza = Scorpio That's kinda a give away, isn't it? BTW, Lethe, Styx, Erberus and Tartatus are all Greek gods of the dead. Kakkoi, ne?