Kasumi-sama, Aozuki no Hime (Kasumi, the Princess of the Blue Moon) Part 7: Sousaku no Tamashii/Soul Searching By: Kitsune-chan (kitsune-chan@trust-me.com) Official Webpage: http://anime.at/pokemonorg/ "Deep Aqua Mirror, tell us...who are the 'Stars'?" Michiru said as she stared into her Talisman. The glass began to shift with color as an image began to appear, "Now, now, girls. There is no time to be looking in mirrors, you look fine dear." said a female judge who grabbed the mirror out of Michiru's hands, "I'll just take this. The game needs to begin." the judge added, she smiled almost coldly. The sun caught in her hair and made it bright red like fire. She took the mirror and set it down in a box near her feet, "You can pick it up later." the woman said reassuringly, "Ma'am, I don't see why you needed to confiscate the mirror. We could have put it away ourselves if the game needed to start." Amisaid standing up, "My, look how defensive you are. You'd think this hand mirror is the Holy Grail." the woman laughed innocently. Haruka stared at her coldly, she gripped Michiru's shoulders and pulled her back. "It's just a sentimental item to my friend here. But don't worry, we won't forget it." Haruka answered, her lips tight. The group got into their positions on the court, Michiru could swear that she heard the woman murmur, "Good, I hope you don't." But when she swirled her head to see, the woman's mouth wasn't moving--she was just staring at Michiru, an innocent smile dancing upon her face. "Oh no, we're playing the psychic." Kasumi said in disgust, "Playing with fortune-tellers is dangerous, minna-san, they're prone to cheat." she added coldly. Rei's eyes darkened as she stared at Kasumi, Sailoraozuki--she thought as her eyes followed Kasumi's mocking movements, her hateful actions--just wait... you'll get yours in the end. "Should we kill her now, or later?" Minako whispered with a smile as she moved to begin serving the ball. "It's probably how they won anyway.." Musashi declared loudly, seeing that the other team was ignoring her. "But cheaters never win in the end. Ugh, I just can't stand them!" Musashi cried dramatically. Kanna snickered at her mock-hysterics. Atsumi looked at her shoes, the expression on her face was shame. "Stop talking and just get to playing." Haruka snapped. With that Minako served the ball perfectly over the net, it went flying towards Atsumi--but then made a sharp right turn. Erika bumped the ball to Natsume who spiked it over the net--it went flying towards Usagi. "AAAAAH!" Usagi screamed and ducked--it was the first time the ball had gone to her so fast. "Usagi!" Rei shouted, half in anger and half in disgust. She lunged for the ball and sent it over, right before it hit the ground. It barely made it over the net. The 'Stars' however, weren't expecting it to make it that far. Natsume stared at the ball as it landed before her feet. "That's the ball...you’re supposed to HIT it.." Haruka said making motions for them. Michiru and Mako laughed. Minako smiled over at Haruka and shook her head, then served the ball again. Unlike every serve prior to this one, the ball flew right into the net. Minako's face held a combination of shock and denial. "That's never happened to me before..." she murmured. "There's a first time for everything!" Musashi called tauntingly, handing the ball to Erika to serve. The ball went into the air shakily and was returned by Haruka to Atsumi. Just as before, the ball seemed to defy gravity and rose up into the air. Imite finally noticed something strange was happening, she tapped the ball lightly. It flew upwards as if it had just been shot from a canon. Rei watch the ball as it flew towards her--and then a flash of red intercepted the ball and it disintegrated in midair, "What the he--" "Enough with the games, it was entertaining for awhile, but now I have what I need." a sharp voice said, piercing through the stunned silence. "That voice..." Rei whispered, she looked around the crowd. Her eyes rested on the woman who took Michiru's mirror, "Sasoriza..." * * * "Erebus..." Tartarus sighed as she watched her sister from the veranda, Erebus was talking a walk with Styx in the gardens amongst the dark roses and orchids. "She is allowing her affection for my brother to hinder her judgment." Charon answered. Erebus was quiet. She couldn't let Charon know that she too was being distracted by her for another--him. "Yes, it's ridiculous how they act about one another. It's contrary to our code of obedience." Tartarus commented as she watched her sister and Styx laugh and play. She longed to be doing that with Charon, she dreamed that it could be herself and Charon walking amongst those roses and orchids. That it was Charon who was kissing her underneath that tree-- "Princess?" "Hmm?" Sulfiria murmured, snapping back to reality. Her face flushed slightly, did Charon know what I was thinking of? she wondered. "Princess, even if Erebus-sama is...busy, we still have you. Which is truly a blessing. You are much more capable and mature than Erebus-sama is, if I may speek freely." Charon said as he turned away from the window. He squeezed Tartarus' shoulder comfortingly and began to walk out of the room, he stopped right before he left. "Princess, the entire Black Star Galaxy has the utmost trust in you." he added with another smile, then exited the room. Tartarus sighed heavily, "That's what I was afraid of..." * * * The woman began to laugh and her guise melted off, standing where the judge was standing before, was now the Second Captain of the Berakuu Staa Army. Sasoriza pulled the pin out of her hair, her black tresses falling upon her shoulders. She was truly a beautiful woman, however a cruel smile spread across her face, marring her looks momentarily. "How do I look?" she asked mockingly, looking into the Deep Aqua Mirror as she patted her hair. Without any sort of warning, she released one of her attacks to the crowd. It hit no one, but it was enough to send the crowd running away in fear. The 'Stars' were not far behind. "Sasoriza!" Rei cried out, she had been right. "It's such a shame you can't do a damn thing about it." Sasoriza said with a yawn. "Like hell there isn't!" shouted a voice from behind Sasoriza. She sighed with annoyance and turned around, "Oh, dear, it's the Sailor Senshi." "Not quite. We are the Rulers of the Celestial bodies, the Celestial Senshi!" Sailoraozuki cried out, "And we will not allow the villainy of the Berakuu Staa Galaxy to have one of the Celestial Stars." Sailorkinzuki finished. "Oh yes, the Celestial Senshi. You are the ones who have the Garnet Orb." Sasoriza said she put her hand under her chin as if she where musing, and turned her back on the others who ran off to transform. "Yes, more Senshi. I know what you did to the Sailor Senshi, and I warn you we ARE stronger than they." Sailorgemini answered. "You're just children." Sasoriza said with a roll of her eyes and leapt high into the air. "Poison Hallucination.." she whispered and extended her knife-like nails. She directed the red cloud of mist towards the Celestial Senshi and as she held her hand outstretched to kill Sailoraozuki. "Aqua Rainfall!" Sailoraquarius said hastily causing the healing blue rain to make the red mist disappear. Sasoriza stopped in midair and jumped off to the side. She had a small, very strange smile on her face. "You countered Poison Hallucination? That's...odd. You're my equals." she murmured, "That's never happened before." she added. Gone from her face was the sterness from before, her face conveyed genuine interest. Suddenly her smile faded and twisted into a grimace of pain. She instinctively re-extended her claws and spun around to face her attacker. It was Sailorsaturn. Behind her, a few yards back were the other three Outer Senshi. Saturn had another glaive with her, it was the red glaive. She had thrust the glaive into Sasoriza's back. It was truly grotesque. Sasoriza lunged forward and swiped at Saturn's face leaving small, yet bleeding cuts, yet Saturn remained calm. "Where did...you get another?" Sasoriza choked as she fell to the ground. "What would you say if I said the Devil?" Saturn asked icily. There was something very strange about Sailorsaturn's demeanor. It was deathly cold. Saturn raised the glaive above her head and twirled it around in the air, before holding in front of her body. "Say goodnight." she whispered to Sasoriza, as she began to channel her own energy into the glaive, "No! Stop!!" someone shouted, a shrill voice cutting through the silence. In surprise Sailorsaturn stopped and turned around. The Sailor Senshi stood near the volleyball net, they all were staring at her with looks of horror on their faces. "No, Saturn don't...you can't kill her. It makes you no better than she was. Two wrongs don't make a right." Sailormercury reprimanded. "What are you talking about? We've killed and destroyed hundreds of people!" Sailoruranus said, stepping forward. "I would do this myself, but Saturn's got more right than I do." "But...Sasoriza is human, we can heal her. We don't have to kill her...it's not right...we can't justify murder!" Sailormercury exclaimed, finally standing up for what she truly believed. "Yes, Mercury is right. I've always tried to heal people rather than destroying them. All humans are good at heart..." Sailormoon said defending her friend. Sasoriza smiled coldly, "You are fools..." she whispered, despite the volume of her voice, she sounded intimidating. With surprising agility, she jumped into the air, grabbing the glaive on the way up. She landed gently on her feet and tripped Saturn with it, she caught Saturn in her arms before Saturn hit the ground. "I should have killed you when I had the chance, you annoying little rat." Sasoriza spat as she held the glaive inches away from Sailorsaturn's neck. "Deep Submerge!" Sailorneptune yelled and threw the glowing ball of blue energy towards Sasoriza. Sasoriza positioned Saturn in front of her, for the purpose of a human shield. "If you don't use your powers to protect us, you are going to be hit by one of your own." Sasoriza whispered into Saturn's ear. She delighted in tormenting this delicate creature that she held in her arms, it was great fun. Sasoriza smirked when she saw that Saturn wasn't going to move, she took a step backwards just as the attack was about to hit. The glowing blue orb of energy struck Saturn squarely in the chest, it barely missed Sasoriza. Saturn cried out and fell to her knees, her hair hung in her face. The look in her eyes was that of torment, she began to laugh. "Hotaru..." Neptune whispered, she covered her mouth with her hands as her blue eyes stared at Saturn with terror. "Why don't you just kill me?" Sailorsaturn giggled as she turned her head towards Sasoriza. Sasoriza stared at her and raised her clawed hand in the air, one good slash and I can take her pretty head off, she thought. "SATURN!!!!!" Sailormars screamed, "What are you doing! She'll do it!" Before Sasoriza could even attempt to destroy Saturn, Sailorsaturn's body began to slide on the floor and then float into the air. Neptune cried out and began to run towards her. Saturn floated over the volleyball net and landed on the ground near Atsumi. Atsumi said nothing, her eyes staring at Hotaru . "Atsumi-san..." Sailortaurus murmured as she stared at Atsumi, was this girl a Senshi? It couldn't be--if she were, then she would have transformed with them. No, she just had amazing powers. Taurus' mind wandered from the scene for a moment, Ah yes, that's why we were so good at volleyball--this girl would control the way the ball would fall. I wonder how Musashi will feel knowing that we cheated? A smile almost grew on Taurus' face, but the situation was much too grave to be making jokes. She returned her attention to the battle at hand. Sasoriza, on the other hand, had been paying her undivided attention to the scene, "KISAMA! Stay out of my business!" she shouted and jumped into the air towards the volleyball net. She flicked her wrist and the volleyball net was in shreds. She landed for less than a second then was back in the air, this time flying towards Atsumi. "SHINDE!" "World....Shaking!" "DEEP Submerge! "Dead...Scream.." The triple attack. Sasoriza fell from the sky and onto the ground with a thud, she groaned and reached for her head. Sailorsaturn stood up slowly and walked carefully towards Sasoriza. She picked up the Glaive, "I am the NEW face of Death." she said icily as she drew closer to the wounded Sasoriza, her face serious and calm. "Out with the Old and in with the New." "Please, Saturn, don't!!" Mercury screamed again, and once again, Sasoriza jumped up and grabbed the Glaive. She tripped Saturn just as she had before. She held the Glaive to Saturn's neck and stared down at her. Saturn began to laugh hysterically. The madness that had been filling her mind for the past week now beginning to truly get to her. All around her she saw her Father, Mistress 9, her Dead Mother...all tormenting her, all wanting her to die. Sasoriza was very taken aback. "You can't kill me can you?" Saturn whispered with a smile plastered on her face. She looked thoughtful for a moment, but her violet eyes showed her true madness. "Ah, I know! You can't do it. Yes, that's it. As much as you want to kill me, you cannot." she concluded. "You are insane, child. I have your antagonizing weapon in my hands and that is why no one has come to your aid yet. They know that you are literally inches away from a gruesome death." Sasoriza said matter-of-factly, "But why is it that you don't fear me?" "I do not fear death because I am Death." she said with a very cold smile. Sailorneptune gripped Sailoruranus' arm as chills traveled down her spine, this look on her face...I've seen it before, Neptune thought. "If I die, then I will be reborn, because I am Creation as well. Yet, even so, you won't kill me because you can't. YOU CAN'T!" Saturn said laughing insanely. My God, Neptune thought, it's like she's the Silent Messiah again. "You are weakness, Sasoriza. I am strength." Saturn whispered with a mad smile. Sasoriza looked horrified, truly shocked. Her arm quivered as she tightened her grip around the glaive. The air was tense, everyone was waiting for her to make a move. "You already destroyed me. You have ruined me. Why don't you kill me. There is nothing left of me except an empty shell, so just do me a favor!" she screamed and grabbed the Glaive. Sasoriza was still holding onto it dearly, all it needed was Saturn's slight tug for her to lose her balance and drive the blade directly into Saturn, Sasoriza's weight pushing it right through. "Oh my god..." Sailoruranus said and turned away, "HOTARU!!" Sailor Pluto screamed, she dropped the Time Staff and ran to her body, shoving a stunned Sasoriza aside. "This is all my fault.." Sailormercury mumbled as her lip quivered. Sasoriza dashed to pick up the Deep Aqua Mirror, she held it tightly and glanced into it. She saw her own frightened red eyes set on her pale skin, she was trembling. The mirror's image seemed to fade away and the face of Sailorsaturn appeared, staring at her with such intense calmness. "I didn't kill you! You killed yourself!" Sasoiza screamed at the image, but she was screaming at her own reflection once again. Her hands began to tremble and the mirror slipped out of her hand and shattered on the ground. Sasoriza stared at the shards, each piece had that dreadful girl's face in. Sasroiza backed away slowly, her hands shaking. She called upon the spell to transport her away, "I didn't kill her. I didn't kill her. I didn't kill her." Sasoriza mumbled as a swirl of red mist surrounded her, "Did you hear me, Sailor Senshi?!" she screamed suddenly as she wrapped her arms around herself. She was fading away, but her voice was still sharp, piercing the stunned Sailor Senshi, "She...it was she who killed herself. Her own will. Do you hear me? It wasn't me this time...this time...She wanted to die...Wanted..." ************* Translations ************* Atsume = Sissy