Kasumi-sama, Aozuki no Hime (Kasumi, the Princess of the Blue Moon) Part 8: O-Hime-sama/The Princess By: Kitsune-chan (kitsune-chan@trust-me.com) Official Webpage: http://anime.at/pokemonorg/ "What an awful, awful day.." Mako said, looking at her friends, they had all gathered at Rei's temple after a small memorial service for Hotaru. "She'll be back.." Usagi said, trying to sound cheerful, the death of Sailorsaturn had totally changed her attitude about the Outer Senshi. "Yes, but..will she know us? Will she remember who we are?" Rei asked with a sigh. "I wonder how Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna are taking this..they're alot closer to her than we are..and poor Souichi-san..losing his daughter again." Minako said and looked out to the sky. "You guys, this is all my fault." Ami said, wrapping her arms aound herself. "How could it possibly..be your fault?" Rei asked, doubting her words somewhat. "If..I had let Sailorsaturn kill Sasoriza..then maybe she'd be alive still.." Ami explained, a small tear rolling down her cheek. "It was amazing though, wasn't it? After she was stabbed.. she sort of faded out in a bright purple light..it was almost.. beautiful." Mako said recalling that dreadful night. "Yes..beautiful.." Usagi said with a smile, she looked out into the sky, Rei and Minako nodded in agreement, but Ami stood looking shamed and guilty. "Did you notice the glares Michiru and Haruka and Setsuna where giving me?" Ami demanded, Usagi looked at her. "Ami-chan..they weren't looking at you weird..they don't blame you." Usagi said comfortingly. "Does Chibiusa know about this?" Ami demanded, Usagi turned away. "No..she doesn't." Rei replied, looking down at her hands. "Why didn't you tell her? Don't you think she'll notice when her best friend doesn't know who she is?!" Ami exclaimed, losing her normal mild-mannered composure. "We'll tell her.." Usagi said putting her hand on Ami's shoulder, Ami twisted away. "You..her own mother, hasn't even told her..how..how could you?" Ami demanded. Minako looked at Ami, "Ami-chan, just because you're feeling angry doesn't mean you need to take it out on us. We're your friends." Minako replied. Ami looked at her, then sighed. "Yes, your right..I think, I need to just..take a walk.." Ami said and headed down the steps of Rei's temple. Rei watched Ami walk off, slowly, as if Ami was thinking heavily. Rei sighed, "I hope she feels better.." she murmured. * * * Atsumi looked around, ever since that dreadful day, she had been hanging around the Celestial Senshi, since she already knew their identities there wasn't a problem being around them. The Celestial Senshi were her first real friends, she looked at Musashi. Musashi was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen, and that was simply an observation, but her personality was so far from beautiful it seemed like a strange joke. Then there was Imite, she was athletic and popular, the total opposite of herself. She shifted her gaze over to Natsume, an amusing girl who was probably the strangest person she had ever met. Next to Natsume was Kanna, who was the thinker of the crowd, but was unknowingly cruel. Then there was Erika, the peacemaker of the group, but not exactly the smartest, it seemed to Atsumi. And beside her was Kasumi, the real leader of the Celestial Senshi. "Astumi-chan..well?" Musashi said, looking annoyed, Atsumi snapped out of her daydream, this was obviously not the first Musashi called her name. "Umm..what?" Atsumi asked timidly. "Someone else tell her." Musashi said rolling her eyes and waving her hand as if she where brushing Atsumi off. Erika cleared her throat, "Musashi-san asked if--" "Girls, we have more important things to discuss.." Togepi said, she had in her mouth a scroll of paper which she dropped on the ground and unrolled with her arms. "While the Sailor Senshi are in mourning, I think we should get our hands on one of the talisman." Estrella said, Natsume looked at her in shock, "Togepi-san..but..one of the DIED..can't we have a little respect for the dead?" Natsume asked looking frustrated, Kasumi and Imite nodded in agreement, they each had thought how they would feel if someone they knew had died in such a terrible way. "No, we have to get one of the stars while we can." Togepi ordered, "The universe rests in our hands. We can't let the Berakuu Staa take the stars, they already have one.." Togepi explained. Kasumi sighed, "But why now? I mean..can't we let them grieve..?" she asked. "No, Kasumi-CHAN. I understand what Estrella is saying, we must get what we can while they're vulnerable." Musashi said firmly, defending the black cat, Veronica sighed. (BTW: calling her Kasumi-chan was sort of an insult, even if Kasumi is younger, it's obvious that Kasumi is stronger and more powerful.) "Alright, what do we do, Musashi-CHAN?" she asked. (Note: Yep, major insult there..Musashi is older, so calling her -chan is an insult.) * * * Hotaru walked towards Ami, she was reborn, and looking as good as ever. Her eyes were dark, "You killed me..Ami-chan." Hotaru said icily, mocking the words 'Ami-chan.' Ami backed away, and shook her head, tears coming out of the sides, "Please..I'm so sorry Hotaru-chan..I should have let you kill Sasoriza.." she cried. "Its too late to be sorry." Hotaru said, her voice so calm and cold it made Ami shiver, Hotaru magically turned to Sailorsaturn. "Its just too late.." Sailorsaturn whispered and held the cold blade of the Silence Glaive against Ami's throat. Sailorsaturn raised the Glaive..and then.. Ami woke up with a start, her body wet with sweat and her heart beating rapidly. "Just a dream.." she said and laughed almost insanely. She glanced at her clock, then let her head fall back on her pillow. Suddenly, outside her window she saw a bright flash, she jumped up and peered out her blinds. She saw an eerie purple smoke coming from a building in the financial district of town. She grabbed her computer, "Senshi..you need to henshin right now..I think we have some trouble on the financial district.." she said, and ran out of her house. Ami had transformed into Sailormercury along the way and by the time she got there all the other Senshi where there, except Saturn. "Well, Mercury-chan..I don't see anything.." Sailoruranus said. Sailormoon yawned, "Yea..where's the trouble?" she asked. Sailormercury pushed her earring and her blue visor came down as she scanned the area, and tapped on her computer. "There's nothing here..but..there is.." Mercury said, it was one of the first times she sounded confused. "I feel something..familiar here.." Sailorneptune said and looked around. "Hotaru-chan..!" Sailorpluto exclaimed and fell to her knees, "She's here..I know she is.." Sailorpluto cried. Sailorvenus turned away, and wiped away a tear. "No..wait..something..is here." Sailormars said a nd looked around, "Whether or not its good.." she started, and pulled out a ward, "something is here.." she finished. "That's right, something is here.." said a voice from above their heads, Sailormars looked up. Suddenly six blurs jumped down from the trees, and the Senshi where surrounded by the Celestial Senshi. "Oh great, I should have guessed it was you." Sailoruranus said with a roll of her eyes. Sailorkinzuki rolled her eyes in return, and cleared her throat, "We are the Senshi of the Celestial bodies in the sky, and in the name of the ruling stars, we will defeat you!" she replied. "Your openings get gaudier and gaudier.." Sailormars laughed. "Look, this wouldn't be so much of a problem if you just gave us what we're looking for." Sailortaurus said politely. "Excuse me, but we're not exactly just going to hand you over our talismen and henshin sticks." Sailoruranus said with a smirk. "Then, you're leaving us to take them by force." Sailoraozuki said narrowing her eyes, she hestitated as the Sailor Senshi glanced at each other. "Bloo Moon Heartbreak!!" she shouted, her wand appearing and light coming out of the end towards the Senshi. "Shining Aqua..Illusion!" Sailormercury said and sent a wave of ice towards the beam, the beam shrank in size but continued to fly towards the Senshi. The Senshi all stepped back, "Nature Growth!" Sailorcapricorn shouted, the ground rumbled softly as vines of energy rose up and held the Senshi where they were. Sailorvenus started to scream in terror as the beam was just a few feet away from her. Suddenly, the earth trembled violently and angrily and the light beam disappeared. All eyes glanced at Sailortaurus, "It wasn't me.." she said as she was knocked over by the force of the ground shaking, the earth then exploded in purple light and energy as if it couldn't hold back. All the Senshi, Celestial and Sailor fell to the ground, the energy from the light burning them, but not to the point that it would scar them. "YAMETE!...HOTARU-CHAN, YAMETE!" Sailormoon screamed, Sailormars struggled to take out one of her wards, in hopes perhaps she could make the energy stop. Sailorvenus continued to scream, and Sailormercury attempted to use her computer to see what was happening. The Celestial Senshi where writhing in pain, all of them, when suddenly the burning energy stopped and something much softer and cooler blew over them. The Senshi stopped screaming, and Sailorneptune gasped, before them was Sailorsaturn, but much older than she was at any time. However, she wasn't with them..she was transparent--like a ghost, and surrounded with purple light. It was reminiscent of the other senshi that had appeared before them and had healed Hotaru. The Celestial Senshi too, were in shock. "Hello, Princess.." Sailorsaturn said and turned to Sailormoon, who had her arms wrapped around herself. "Sailorsaturn.." Sailormoon whispered. "Yes, yes..don't be so surprised.." Sailorsaturn laughed, her figure turned and look at the Celestisal Senshi, half in disgust and half in pity. "To defeat the evils you must defeat..you must be your true self, Princess Serenity.." Sailorsaturn said looking off into the sky. "My true self?" Sailormoon repeated, she was in her super form, as was all the other Senshi. "Yes, your very true self, to be the most powerful you can be.." Sailor Saturn replied, "The Celestial Senshi are capable of defeating the evil, but they're delusioned." she said and glanced back at them. Kinzuki's eyes narrowed. "Delusioned? I'll show you delusioned.." she muttered and lunged towards the ghost of Saturn, before Kinzuki could even touch the ghost, the purple energy surrounding Sailorsaturn gave Sailorkinzuki a jolt, much like being electrecuted. Sailorsaturn shook her head and smiled softly and ignored Kinzuki's feeble attempt at revenge. "To become your true self, everyone must give you their energy..but you must also use the Silver Crystal." Sailorsaturn explained, "NO! YOU MUST NOT! You'll die!!" Sailorvenus screamed, interrupting Sailorsaturn. "But its for the sake of the future, V-chan.." Sailormoon said and looked back to her friends. Slowly they all nodded their heads in agreement, Sailorsaturn took out her henshin stick. "Saturn Planet Power..." she shouted and pointed it to Sailormoon, a beam of purple energy shot out towards the Silver Crystal. "Uranus Planet Power!" Sailoruranus said, following Saturn's lead, a beam of golden energy flew towards the Silver Crystal. "Neptune Planet Power!" "Pluto Planet Power!" "Mercury Crystal Power!" "Mars Crystal Power!" "Jupiter Crystal Power!" "Venus Crystal Power!" the Senshi all shouted, beams of aqua, mauve, blue, red, green and orange flew towards the Silver Crystal. "Moon Crisis Power!" shouted a voice and a beam of pink energy shot towards the Silver Crystal, the Senshi turned, and looked at Sailor Chibi-Moon, who was accompanied by Tuxedo Kamen. The Senshi smiled at both of them, who had been missing for so long. "And you have..my love.." Tuxedo Kamen added, and a beam of white energy radiated from him and to Sailormoon, the Holy Grail suddenly appeared and the Silver Crystal, filled with the positive energy of the Sailor Senshi, transformed into a beautiful broach not unlike the ones that Aozuki and Kinzuki had. It was a white heart with a silver border. In the middle of the heart was the Silver Crystal held in place by a shimmering silver moon and a golden crown. Just inside the border were nine crystals, each in the color of the Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Kamen. "Princess Serenity..Say 'Celestial Moon Power'.." Sailorsaturn directed, starting to fade away. "Celestial Moon Power..Make Up!" Sailormoon shouted, her Sailor-fuku disappeared and she was dressed in the white gown she wore as the Moon Princess. Transparent wings appeared on her back and folded over her chest, then reextended. The skirt of her gown shredded and shrunk into three seperate skirts, the top one silver, the middle one gold and the final one pale pink. Her collar turned silver as well, and her tiara shrunk to a simple moon on her forehead. Her gloves were longer and her boots were silver with no borders and golden moons on the points. Her bow was long and golden with her broach in the center and her fuku was sleeveless. "Serenity.." Tuxedo Kamen whispered and dropped to his knees. The Senshi where all equally as shocked. Sailorsaturn started to fade out, "Princess Serenity..I'll be back, don't worry.." her voice said. All was silent, all looking at Sailormoon, who radiated with such goodness and light, it was awe-inspiring. A hand reached over Sailorjupiter and grabbed her henshin stick which she held in her right hand. "NO!" she shouted, her voice filled with such negetivity that shattered the sensitive bond the Silver Crystal had and the Crystal exploded in a fountain of glitter and dust. Sailormoon, in her Celestial form, collapsed and her fuku disappeared. Her eyes went blank. Sailorvenus rushed to Sailor Moon's side. "SAILORMOON!" she screamed. Sailorkinzuki held Venus' henshin stick tightly in her hand. "Teleportation.." Aozuki shouted and a blue bubble appeared and engulfed the Zodiac Senshi, wisking them away. Sailorjupiter ignored the fact that the loss of the henshin stick had caused her to return to her normal self. She held Sailormoon's hand, "Usagi-chan!!" she shouted and shook her lightly, the Senshi where all standing over Sailormoon, calling her name, begging her to awaken, but Sailormoon remained still and lifeless. * * * Princess Tartarus smiled, "Princess Serenity is Sailor Moon who is Usagi Tsukino.." she laughed. Erebus smiled, both of them looking at the Crystal Ball. "And the poor girl is half-dead.." Erebus squealed. "Styx!" Tartarus shouted, immediatly before them a blaze of fire flashed and there stood a man with red hair and eyes that had a demonic quality to them. "If and when Sasoriza fails.." Erebus began, "And she will, M'Princess.." he said cutting in, smirking cruelly. "As I was saying.." she said clearing her throat. "When Sasoriza fails, you are to go to Earth and destroy Usagi Tsukino..if she ever awakens."