Feedback, PLEASE!!!! Kasumi-sama, Aozuki no Hime (Kasumi, the Princess of the Blue Moon) Part 9: O-Joou-sama/The Queen By: Kitsune-chan ( Official Webpage: "USAGI-CHAN!!!" Rei screamed, she shook her friends shoulders roughly, "PLEASE! Wake up!" she begged, shouting through her tears. "Rei-chan, please..its been hours.." Ami said, putting her arm gently on Rei's shoulders to calm her. It had been hours since the Silver Crystal had shattered, and all Senshi were now in their natural forms, Mamoru was holding Usagi in his arms, whispering to her as he rocked her gently. Usagi's eyes remained blank, and she stood still and life-less. The remnants of the Silver Crystal still in her brooch and on the ground, shining like large diamonds. Suddenly someone let out a small shriek to pierce the silence, "Whats happening?!" Chibiusa screamed, as she frantically looked around her, her legs had totally disappeared, and her body was fading away, Setsuna jumped from Mamoru's side and rushed to Chibiusa, shoving Michiru out of the way. "SMALL LADY!" she screamed as she made her way through the stunned Senshi. "PUU! Whats happening!? Help me! HELP!" Chibiusa begged, her small body had disappeared all and nothing was left but her upper torso and face, Setsuna screamed for Chibiusa again leapt to grab her into her arms, but before she could Chibiusa faded out still screaming. Mamoru's eyes widened and he held out is arm, as if to touch the air that Chibiusa has disappeared in, "Chibi..Usagi.." he murmured and looked dazed. "Chibiusa-chan!" Rei screamed and ran towards the spot Chibiusa had been standing, "What happened?!" Minako exclaimed looking dazed. mi shakedly took out her computer and busily began tapping on the keyboard, Setsuna sunk to her knees, her head bowed. She shook her head and brought her hands to her face, Ami looked on her computer. "Its seems that.." she began, "Something happened to Neo-Queen Serenity or King Endymion.." Setsuna said interrupting Ami, "Small Lady..she faded from existence.." Setsuna explained in a hoarse frightened voice. Ami stopped typing on her computer in shock, Rei began to shake. "She..she..faded...from existence?" Rei repeated, choking on her words. "Setsuna-san..what can we do?" Michiru asked softly, "We can't do anything..we must change the past to affect the future..Small Lady was never born, so she cannot exist in the past." Setsuna tried to explain, but emotions hadtaken over. "Never..born..?" Mamoru repeated, still holding on to Usagi, but his eyes were staring right through her, and not at her. "Small Lady could have never been born if Usagi-chan" Ami began trying to explain herself and was too overwhelmed with tears. "So, Usagi-chan is never waking up?" Mako asked biting her lower lip, Haruka's eyes narrowed. "You know who's fault this is, don't you..?" Haruka demanded, her eyes looking over all the Senshi. "Please, Haruka-san..don't blame this on Saturn, or anyone else here." Minako said, wiping her eyes with her hankerchief. "I wasn't blaming this on Hotaru-chan, Minako." Haruka snapped, Minako glanced her eyes to the side, "This is the fault of those Celestial Senshi.." she said with a murderous look in her eyes. "We knew we should have killed them when we had the chance.." Haruka said looking at Michiru. Mamoru looked up suddenly, with an saddened look in his eyes, he held Usagi more tightly in his arms, protectivly and lovingly. "I've lost my whole family.." he said, as his eyes looked over each of the Senshi, they saw the anguish in his eyes, "again.." he whispered. * * * "You have no idea what guilt I feel." Kasumi said angrily. Imite stared at the beautiful orange wand that lay on a white cloth resting beside the garnet orb. "You don't know how EVIL I feel!" Kasumi shouted. She was a normally mild-mannered girl. Musashi shrugged and turned away from her. The Celestial Senshi had all returned to Musashi's home to stay the night. "Look, what does it matter?" Musashi asked. "MUSASHI-SAN! Look what we did! Look who we took away from them!" Erika exclaimed. "You are all fools. That's exactly the point, we took away the leader of the Sailor Senshi, as well as a piece of a star." Musashi replied coldly, "It'll be a hell of alot easier getting the rest." she added. Natsume narrowed her eyes at Musashi, she was normally the most peaceful of them. "You are the most SELFISH INCONSIDERATE woman I've ever met, you DISGUST me." she spat. "YOU ARE ALL IDIOTS!" Musashi screamed knocking her chair over, Imite and Kanna jumped uncomfortably at the unbelievable volume and anger that filled her voice. "WHY SHOULD WE CARE ABOUT THE ENEMY!? We are one step closer to having unlimited power in the universe, don't you care about that?" she demanded glaring at every one of them. Kasumi jumped up, she was the only one who usually defied Musashi, but not to a large extent. Kasumi grabbed Venus' henshin wand, an item no one else but Musashi dared to even touch. "This is how much I care about this 'unlimited power'!" she shouted and threw the wand to the hard wood floor of Musashi's room. The top of the wand, which had an orange globe on it with a golden heart inscribed on it shattered into pieces. "KISAMA!" Musashi screamed and leapt towards Kasumi, the shattered orange globe suddenly let out a blast of green energy that sent the girls flying against Musashi's walls. "Whats going on?!" Imite shouted, covering her eyes. The energy wasn't giving off a burning energy like the last time, but a bright, blowing one..and then it stopped. The room was incredibly silent. Musashi opened her eyes and looked at the henshin wand, which had reformed back into its original shape. Musashi picked it up carefully, "Amazing.." she said in awe and had a strange glazed look come over her eyes. "You just made me think of something.." she said glancing coldly at Erika. "While the Sailor Senshi leader is oh..dead, we can get the rest of these beautiful items.." she smiled, looking at her reflection in the globe. "You're crazy.." Erika whispered with a look of pure fright in her eyes. "I bet they might still be there.." Musashi said ignoring Erika's comments, "I mean, its only been about three hours..maybe less.." she replied looking at her watch, she got up and walked out the door. "Where is she going?" Natsume whispered, Kasumi shrugged. "I don't know, but we have to go..we're her trained monkeys." she said with a look of pain in her eyes. Kasumi silently stood up and walked out the door to follow Musashi, and one by one the rest did as well. * * * Rei looked up suddenly, "Someone's coming." she predicted, she took out a ward and held it carefully in between her fingers. "Its the Celestial Senshi!" she exclaimed and almost dropped the ward. "Well, they won't know that hit them then." Haruka said and raised her henshin stick. Michiru and Setsuna nodded did the same and they quickly transformed. This time, no one argued to their wishes to destroy the Celestial Senshi. Mamoru picked up Usagi and took her with him far from when the battle would take place, Mako, not being able to transform also followed Mamoru. "There they are.." Sailormercury whispered looking into her computer, sure enough they saw the familiar bubble the Celestial Senshi transported around in. "Someone pop that thing.." Sailoruranus ordered looking angry. "Its not possible to pop it.." Sailormercury said looking up from her computer, Sailoruranus threw her a look, and she blushed and looked down. "I'll do it.." Sailormars said narrowing her eyes, as the bubble sped closer. "MARS!" she said and created a small arrow of fire in the palm of her hand, "FLAME!!" she exclaimed creating a bow made of flame, "SNIPER!!" she shouted and shot the arrow at the bubble, the arrow flew through the air towards the bubble..... .....Sailoraokuzi looked up, "Ohmigod.." she said and ducked as an arrow of flames pierced the bubble and shot through it. The rest of the Celestial Senshi frantically adjusted themselves as to not be hit, however Sailoraozuki could not maintain her concentration to keeping the bubble up, and they slowly descended towards the ground. "It worked Mars!" Sailorvenus exclaimed as they watched the bubble descend, Sailoruranus narrowed her eyes and looked towards Neptune and Pluto. They waited till the Ceelstial Senshi could be seen. "Now." Uranus ordered, "World...SHAKING!" Sailoruranus shouted and collected golden energy from the sky into her hands which she threw down as a ball that struck the ground and began to gain momentum towards the Celestial Senshi. "Deep..SUBMERGE!" Sailorneptune shouted and collected the powers of the deep water into a ball of ringed blue energy which flew side by side with Uranus'. "Dead Scream.." Sailorpluto whispered and gathered energy from the winds into her Time Staff and shot a powerful purple ball of energy that flew with Neptune and Uranus' towards the Senshi. The Celestial Senshi were climbing another hill, not aware that they were about to be victims of an ambush, when suddenly Sailoraquarius was blasted away by a ball of blue energy. She screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Sailortaurus hurriedly ran to her as she did she got into the way of a golden ringed ball of energy. "What the..?" Sailoraozuki began and moved over to the side where the Sailortaurus and Aquarius had been hit. Sailorkinzuki's eyes narrowed as the air was silent, suddenly from behind them a very powerful glowing purple ball of energy struck her, Sailoraozuki, Sailorvirgo and Sailorgemini. Kinzuki fell to the ground and looked up, she saw three figures standing in the shadows. They stepped forward, Sailoraozuki gasped, "Outer Senshi.." she whispered, Sailormars, Mercury, and Venus came up behind the Outer Senshi and stood beside them. "You took away everything that was important to us, give me one reason why I shouldn't end your lives?" Sailormars demanded, Sailoraquarius began to cry. "Because, I won't let you...yet." said a voice. Sailorneptune narrowed her eyes and looked right at where the voice came from. Sailorvenus heard it as well. "Venus Love-Me Chain!" she shouted and created a chain of golden hearts which she threw towards the voice, she pulled hard and from the trees fell Sasoriza. "Good, now we can kill them all." Sailoruranus said taking out her space sword. "That was an opening, I rather I did not make.." Sasoruza said coolly and stood up, brushing off her black uniform. She looked at the Celestial Senshi who were still on the ground in pain. "How exactly did this happen, my equals? Are you not stronger than the Sailor Senshi?" Sasoriza asked. "Only when they hit first." Sailorneptune answered. "Like this?" Sasoriza smiled, "Poison Hallucination!" she said and threw the red ball of mist at Sailorneptune, but before it could hit her, something stopped the red ball all together. "Saturn?" Mars asked looking around, feeling a strangely familiar prescence. The night sky however, turned silver, and a small gold bubble landed in front of them, it was reminiscent of when the Inner Senshi returned to the Moon Kingdom and met Queen Serenity. Inside the bubble appeared to be a tiny woman, but she grew, until the figure was much taller than all of them. She was dressed in beautiful rainbow-colored robes and had odango like Queen Serenity, Usagi, and Chibi-usa, but her hair was a beautiful rich red color. Upon her forehead was a strange symbol of a sun, a moon and a star conjoined. "Serenity-sama!" Sailormercury gasped, the woman smiled gently. "Serenity? No, my dear..I am Queen Celestina of the Celestial Millenium.." she smiled. Sailorpluto looked at her critically, "Celestial Millenium.." Sailorvenus repeated. "The Celestial Key.." Sailorkinzuki whispered, Queen Celestina looked at her oddly, "Yes, that is where the Celestial Key originated, and that's what destroyed it." Celestina nodded. "So you're dead?" Sailormars asked. "No, I am alive in the past, and talking to you from there." Celestina smiled, "I came here, to help you.." she said. "Help US or THEM?" Uranus asked. "To help you both, you both are striving to collect the Celestial Stars to make sure the Celestial Key is not used to destroy the Celestial Millenium." Celestina replied. Sailorvenus raised an eyebrow, "We are?" she whispered to Sailor Mars, who elbowed her gently to be quiet. "Celestial Senshi, you are a disgrace to what you stood for..back in the Celestial Millenium you were such wonderful Senshi, but now..disgraceful.." Celestina said sadly and shook her head. Sailoruranus smirked, and shifted her weight to her other foot. "And you..Sailorscorpio.." Celestina said shaking her head even more, "You were such a wonderful wonderful Senshi, a brilliant fighter..why did you have to be drawn to such evil?" she scolded. "SAILORSCORPIO!?" Sailor Venus exclaimed, the Celestial Senshi looked just as shocked, as did Sasoriza. "Did you say..Sailor..?" Sailortaurus repeated. "Oh course not, I would never fight along side you." Sasoriza said glaring harshly at the Celestial Senshi. "So can we kill them yet?" Sailoruranus asked impatiently. "Of course you cannot kill them, strange girl you are, so violent.." Selestia said shaking her head in disbelief, "I will heal Sailorscorpio from the evil that has taken over her.." Celestina explained. "But can you heal Sailormoon?" Sailormercury asked, "To fix all the wrongs they have done.." she added. "I'm sorry, I cannot do this, for this is your own problem. I came merely to set things straight, so that the Celestial Millenium doesn't collapse as it will.." she replied, she raised her arms to the sky and beams of light in a certain patch, the constellation of Scorpio came down towards the ground. Sasoriza backed away, "Your wrong..I'm not one of these..beings.." Sasoriza murmured. "But you are, Sailorscorpio, you where lured away by the Berakuu Staa Army when they saw your skills, and since we humans have some bit of evil in them, you were a perfect target." Celestina sighed, she raised her arms to the sky and several points of light came down on Sasoriza and met at her forehead, a small sign appeared and her body filled with light. "STOP IT! YOU'RE WRONG! DON'T TOUCH ME!!! CHARON SAVE ME!!" Sasoriza screamed calling out an unfamiliar name, then collapsed. Celestina looked at her wearily, "That drained more power from me than I thought.." Selestia sighed and began to fade out, "She was actually EMBRACING the darkness, and wanting it..Can you believe it?" Celestina asked, as she started to ascend. "This isn't over yet.." Sailoruranus said and raised her hand up to the sky, "WORLD.." she began, Selestia threw Sailoruranus a glance, "What a chaotic girl you are!" she exclaimed and closed her eyes, then disappeared. Sailoruranus looked at her hand and saw the energy had did the Celestial Senshi, and so had Sasoriza. "CHIKUSO!" Uranus said frustrated. "We've got bigger problems than this now, Uranus-kun.." Sailormercury said. "Being, what?" Sailoruranus asked and detransformed into her normal guise. ailormercury looked up nervously and replied, "Sasoriza is one of the Celestial Senshi.."