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Doesn't Mulder look so adorable here? Kim, apologize RIGHT NOW!!!

Welcome and thank you for visiting Pokémon/orG, my personal website collective. This new layout features the wonderful, adorable, cute and a bunch of other words that mean the same, but would take up space, Fox Mulder! Yes, I know I did a Mulder theme last month, but c'mon? Isn't he adroable in that picture over there?

News and Updates: March 20, 2000
Geez, it's been a long time since I've updated, hasn't it? Well, anyways, I've got up to part 11 of Kasumi-sama done and the next two parts of The Poké-Files done. YaY! Well, I'm back from March Break. AND I WAS AWAY FROM A COMPUTOR THE WHOLE TIME!!! ;_; But, I'm back now and hopefully will update more. Although, there was an upside to March Break. (Other than no school) I got to watch the X-Files all week long! YaY!
March 1, 2000
I hope everyone had a pleasent February and watched the X-Files, Pokémon and Sailormoon, they visited my site and also read the Hary Potter books. You'll notice that the Chamber of Secrets has a new layout now? Isn't it kewl? Thanks to JavaScript, that is. I'm also gonna get a custom cursor for my page. Yes, I have a code for one. Also, I finally got the first chapter of Orange Island Magic up and 3 and 4 of Kasumi-sama. I'll have part 4 of the Poké-Files up soon.

Version Aishiteru Mulder: Current version. 'Ai shiteru' is Japanese for 'I love', so the title for this version is 'I love Mulder'. Comprendez?
Version Fox Valentine: Last month's theme. A Mulder/Valentine's Day theme. All pinks. Too perky. Now the pink is gone! YaY!
Version Vanilla Bleu 2K: January's theme. It was vanilla and blue colors with a featured picture of me animé-style.