Jungle Expansion Set Price Guide/Checklist

Full Card List Notes

"1st Edition" cards are specially marked with the "Edition 1" stamp to signify their limited print run status. These cards were only available in retail outlets for a short time and their prices reflect their relative scarcity.

"Unlimited" cards do not have the "Edition 1" stamp.

1st Ed. Unlimited Card # Rarity Color Card Name
$16.00 $10.00 1/64 H Clefable
$15.00 $10.00 2/64 H Electrode
$17.00 $12.00 3/64 H Flareon
$17.00 $12.00 4/64 H Jolteon
$15.00 $10.00 5/64 H Kangaskhan
$17.00 $12.00 6/64 H Mr.Mime
$15.00 $9.00 7/64 H Nidoqueen
$15.00 $10.00 8/64 H Pidgeot
$14.00 $9.00 9/64 H Pinsir
$18.00 $12.00 10/64 H Scyther
$15.00 $10.00 11/64 H Snorlax
$16.00 $10.00 12/64 H Vaporeon
$15.00 $9.00 13/64 H Venomoth
$15.00 $10.00 14/64 H Victreebel
$15.00 $9.00 15/64 H Vileplume
$17.00 $11.00 16/64 H Wigglytuff
$7.00 $3.00 17/64 R Clefable
$7.00 $4.00 18/64 R Electrode
$8.00 $4.00 19/64 R Flareon
$8.00 $4.00 20/64 R Jolteon
$7.00 $3.00 21/64 R Kangaskhan
$8.00 $4.00 22/64 R Mr.Mime
$7.00 $3.00 23/64 R Nidoqueen
$7.00 $3.00 24/64 R Pidgeot
$6.00 $3.00 25/64 R Pinsir
$9.00 $4.00 26/64 R Scyther
$6.00 $3.00 27/64 R Snorlax
$7.00 $4.00 28/64 R Vaporeon
$6.00 $3.00 29/64 R Venomoth
$7.00 $3.00 30/64 R Victreebel
$7.00 $3.00 31/64 R Vileplume
$7.00 $4.00 32/64 R Wigglytuff
$1.50 $0.50 33/64 U Butterfree
$1.50 $0.50 34/64 U Dodrio
$1.50 $0.50 35/64 U Exeggutor
$1.00 $0.50 36/64 U Fearow
$1.50 $0.50 37/64 U Gloom
$1.50 $0.50 38/64 U Lickitung
$1.00 $0.50 39/64 U Marowak
$1.50 $0.50 40/64 U Nidorina
$1.50 $0.50 41/64 U Parasect
$1.50 $0.50 42/64 U Persian
$1.00 $0.50 43/64 U Primeape
$1.50 $0.50 44/64 U Rapidash
$1.00 $0.50 45/64 U Rhydon
$1.00 $0.50 46/64 U Seaking
$1.00 $0.50 47/64 U Tauros
$1.00 $0.50 48/64 U Weepinbell
$0.50 $0.25 49/64 C Bellsprout
$0.50 $0.25 50/64 C Cubone
$0.50 $0.25 51/64 C Eevee
$0.50 $0.25 52/64 C Exeggcute
$0.50 $0.25 53/64 C Goldeen
$0.50 $0.25 54/64 C Jigglypuff
$0.50 $0.25 55/64 C Mankey
$0.50 $0.25 56/64 C Meowth
$0.50 $0.25 57/64 C Nidoran(F)
$0.50 $0.25 58/64 C Oddish
$0.50 $0.25 59/64 C Paras
$0.75 $0.50 60/64 C Pikachu
$0.50 $0.25 61/64 C Rhyhorn
$0.50 $0.25 62/64 C Spearow
$0.50 $0.25 63/64 C Venonat
$0.50 $0.25 64/64 C Poke Ball

$230.00 Complete 64-Card Set (1st Edition)
$90.00 Complete 64-card Set (Unlimited Print)

Release date: June 1999

Distributed by "Wizards of the Coast" (U.S.)
Based on the Pocket Monsters Card Game published by "Media Factory" (Japan)

Available in :

Set Size : 64 Total cards

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