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Red & Blue Codes

100 of any Item-
O.K. lets say you wan't to get over 100 Rare Candies. First you need to be prepared for this. Get out your Pokemon that knows Surf, then get out your Pokemon that knows fly. Put the Rare Candy in the 6th. slot down from the top of your item list. Then go talk to the man in Viridian City right before Viridian Forest. He will say something like,"I have had my coffe now and feel fine go on through." He will ask you if you are in a hurry. Say NO! Let him show you how to catch a Pokemon. When he is done talking FLY to Cinnebar Island and SURF up and down the east coast. You should see some land Pokemon in the water. After a minute or so you will fight 'M' or 'Misingno'. Kill him and look at your items. You shouls have a wierd symbol and a number beside the Rare Candies. Congradulations! You got 100 Rare Candies!
Invisible PC-
O.K. First go to Celadon City. Look for a building that looks almost like a Pokemon Center. You will soon discover that it is a hotel. Go to the corner where the PC ussualy is and Activate it like you would any other PC. There you have it a normal (But invisible)PC!
Catch Safari Pokemon Outside of the Safari Zone-
To do this go into the Zafari Zone and walk to a patch of grass. What ever you do do not leave this patch of grass. When a Pokemon fights you need to run away from it. When you run out of time go South and Surf to the Seafome Island. Surf up and down the East Coast of Seafome. After a while you will see all the Pokemon thatYOU SAW while in the Safari Zone!
Land Pokemon in the Water?-
This code really works. Go to a area that has the Pokemon you want. Find that Pokemon and run away from it! Then fly to Fushia City and talk to nobody. Make sure you don't battle other wild Pokemon. Go to the eat coast of Seafoam Island and suf up and down. After a while you will see the Pokemon you wanted to capture. Note: This work with the Safari Zone too!
HIDDEN RARE CANDY- It is behind the guy's house that tells you about all of the badges.

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