Red and Blue
The Red and Blue Versions are very alike. They both have the same characters, plot, and playing modes. The only difference is the Pokemon each cartraige contains. In the Red Version there are Ekans, Arbok, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Mankey, Primeape, Growlithe, Arcanine, Scyther, and Electrabuzz! While in the Blue Version their is Sandshrew, Sandslash, Meowth, Persian, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Vulpix, Ninetales, Pinsir, and Magmar. The prices of the Pokemon also vary in the Coin Exchange.
Below are some of Pikachu's Words of Wisdom!
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Pikachu's Words
"If you are a new player to the game of Pokemon Red & Blue chose Bulbasaur for your first Pokemon. There are two main reasons for this. First of all he levels up more easily than Squirtle and Charmander. Secondly Bulbasaur is much more effective on the first two Gym Leaders."Pikachu's Words #2
"Here is another hint for you. In order to become the best Pokemon Master you must raise your Pokemon evenly. I know it is hard not to favor one Pokemon. But if you really what a good deck with a good variety raise your Pokemon evenly."Pikachu's Words #3
"Power up you Pokemon with Carbos, TM's, Iron and all of that good stuff. This will make you're team strong and unbeatable."Pikachu's Words #4
Use a variety of TM's on youre Pokemon. For an example if you have a Rydon teach it Thunderbolt. Why? Well, lets say a water Pokemon like Suirtle came out thinking it had a big advantage. Wrong! Rydon uses Thunderbolt against Squirtle. Bang he is out cold!"Pikachu's Words #5
"No when to call back you're Pokemon. Ig they are Poisoned call them back instead of letting them faint. If you ever plan on becoming the words best Master Know when to switch youre Pokemon."
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