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Pokemon Stadium

All the Pokemon are coming to you on the Nintendo 64 March 06! This games is going to be big. Stadium is the newest way to battle you're own Pokemon in Full 3D! There are many areas of play on Stadium. They are: Mini-Games-you and you're friends can play cool games with you're Pokemon. Gym Leader Castle-Here you can upload you're own Pokemon to battle all eight Gym Leaders. There are 3 trainers in between each Gym Leader and if you lose you must start all over. It is rumored if you beat Stadium with you're own Pokemon without using the Game-shark you can get Surfing Pikachu(If you use the tellow version)! Free for all-here you and you're friends cam battle you're own Pokemon in Full 3-D! Photography mode-here you can release you're Pokemon from there Pokeballs and watch them in their own enviroments playing, sleeping, and more. During this mode you can Photograph you're Pokemon and take you're cartridge to a Pokemon Snap Station and print them out. The graphics are absolutley stunning. This is a game that any Pokematic would die for!

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Pokemon Stadium Codes