<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Pokegods</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BACKGROUND="/bg/blumaz.gif" TEXT="#FF3399" LINK="FFFF00" VLINK="FF6600" ALINK="FF0000"> <CENTER><H1>Pokegods</H1></CENTER> <BR> <BR><BASEFONT SIZE="4"> <BR> To get Pokegods Without Game Shark: <OL> <LI>Get the three legendary birds and put them at the top of your lineup. <LI>Get 3 geodudes and put them at the bottom of your lineup. <LI>Talk to the guy that gave you the Psycic TM and he will tell you about the pokegods. <LI>Then you can do these things with the same pokemon in your lineup. </OL> Get Charcolt: <OL> <LI>Have the birds at the top and 3 geodudes at the bottom or the birds at the top and a geodude then graveler than golem at the bottom. <LI>Go to the Celadon City Pokemart and talk to the guys who are trading and one of them will give you Charcolt. </OL> Get Flareth: <OL> <LI>Have 4 Moltres in your lineup and thats it. <LI>Go to the girl on the rooftop of the Celadon Department store. <LI>Talk to her 100 times. On the 101th time, she will give you Flareth. </OL> Pikablu: <OL> <LI>Use the itemfinder in the water that you use to get into the unknown dungeon. <LI>You will find an item that says there is an unknown pokemon at Cinnibar Island. <LI>Go there and surf up and down the coast where you find missigno. <LI>You will eventually find pikablu <BR>(note: you have to surf for a while, but its worth it.) </OL> Another way to get pokegods: <OL> <LI>Beat the elite 4 30 times without talking to anyone besides the nurse and the rivals. <LI>On the thirtieth time, Professor Oak will say, "I'm getting tired of this" and he will let you walk around the hall of fame which leads to a new city where people swap pokegods. </OL> Another Pikablu: <OL> <LI>Get a raichu and buy a thunder stone and a water stone. <LI>Use the thunder stone, then the water stone and raichu will evolve into pikablu! </OL> Raiblu: <OL> <LI>Do the code that is above to get pikablu. <LI>Buy a leaf stone and a fire stone. <LI>Use the leaf stone, then the fire stone and they will become the mist stone! <LI>Use the mist stone on pikablu and he will evolve into Raiblu! </OL> Pikablu: <OL> <LI>Go to the daycare center and let him watch a raichu at level 99. <LI>When you go back a while later he will say that your raichu ran away but you can have my pikablu! </OL> Nidogod: <OL> <LI>Have a slowbro, nidoking, and a nidoqueen at level 100. <LI>Beat the elite 4 with them twice. Go to pallet town and talk to professor oak. <LI>He'll say something about the mist stone. Do what he says and you will get it. <LI>Use it on slowbro and the three of them will form nidogod! </OL> <BR> <BR> <P>YOU WILL NEED A GAMESHARK FOR THIS. YOU HAVE TO PUT THE CORRECT POKEMON IN THE FIRST PLACE SO THAT POKEMON WILL TURN INTO THE POKEGOD.</P> <BR> <P>NAME:LOCUSTOD <BR>CODE:01e464d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: BUTTERFREE</P> <P>NAME:RAINER <BR>CODE:01c164d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: BLASTOISE</P> <P>NAME:PSYBIRD <BR>CODE:01e164d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: YOUR CHOICE</P> <P>NAME:PSYBUR <BR>CODE:01f264d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: YOUR CHOICE</P> <P>NAME:SPOOKY <BR>CODE:01f164d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: GENGAR</P> <P>NAME:RATICLAW <BR>CODE:01ed64d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: RATICATE</P> <P>NAME:BEEPIN <BR>CODE:01f464d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: BEEDRILL</P> <P>NAME:CHARCOLT <BR>CODE:01e264d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: CHARIZARD</P> <P>NAME:SAPUSAUR <BR>CODE:01e364d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: VENUSAUR</P> <P>NAME:MILLENIUM <BR>CODE:01f564d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: YOUR CHOICE</P> <P>NAME:PIKABLU <BR>CODE:01E764d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: RAICHU</P> <P>NAME:PIKABUD <BR>CODE:01E664D1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: RAICHU</P> <P>NAME:ANTHRAX <BR>CODE:01e364d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: YOUR CHOICE</P> <P>NAME:RUIN <BR>CODE:01c264d1 <BR>POKEMON YOU NEED AT THE TOP: YOUR CHOICE</P> <BR> <!--Get cool cursors for your site at www.cometzone.com --> <!--THIS IS THE COMETZONE BUTTON - PUT THIS ANYWHERE ON YOUR PAGE--> <script language=javascript> var acctnum='1'; var userid='jwmid19'; var srvr='0'; var dir='45'; var Loaded=false; var Flag=false;</script> <script src='http://files.cometsystems.com/javascript/cometzone1_0.js' language=javascript></script> <script language=javascript>if(Loaded){ if(Flag) Button(); } else if(!Flag){ document.write('<a target="_parent" ' + 'href="http://www.cometzone.com"> ' + '<img src="http://czfiles.cometsystems.com/buttons/butt0.gif">' + '</a>');}</script> <noscript><a href="http://www.cometzone.com"><img src="http://czfiles.cometsystems.com/buttons/butt0.gif" border=0></a></noscript><!-- END COMETZONE BUTTON --> <!--******************************************************************--> <!--COMETZONE CURSOR CODE - MUST BE ABOVE /BODY TAG AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR PAGE--> <script language=javascript>if(Flag)TheCometCursor();</script> <!--END COMETZONE CURSOR CODE--> </BODY> </HTML>