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Pokemon Glossary


They are creature who has special powers. There are 15 main types of pokemon. They are normal, fire, water, electric, plant, ice, fighting, poison, ground, flying, psychic, bug, rock, ghost and dragon. There are 154 pokemon discover including Snubble, Mew, Togepi and Maril...I think!


Pokemon can evolve into a different pokemon. They evolve by getting stronger. When they evolve, they are stronger than the previous form.


A trainer is a human who trains pokemon. They can start training when they are 10 years old. Before they start their journey, they will get pokeballs, their first pokemon and a pokedex.


A pokedex is a pocket size device that tells you about specific pokemon. They are also personal I.D so they can enter cities to battle with the gym leader there.


POkeballs are palm size balls that are used to capture pokemon. Once a pokemon is capture with it, they have to obey their master.

Gym Leaders

Gym leaders are people who gets challenged into pokemon battles. When they get lose a pokemon battle, the trainer will get a badge. When the trainer has six badges, they can compete in a pokemon league.

Pokemon Center

A pokemon center is a place where injured pokemon recover. It is also a resting, eating and meeting place for trainers.