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  Pokemon Fake News -

 by Doom
Today We opened Up and we have alot of broken links and images please wait until we open up way more im on the verge of completing the links.

 The lost episode reveled -

 by Doom
If you didn't know what the lost episodes title is it's "Beauty and the Beach". Ash, Brock, Misty, pikachu and the rest of the caracters go to a resort town of Aopulco. Jessie and James blow up a dock tring to capture pikachu(They Still Can't!). The dock belongs to a guy named Ryu. He doesn't have enough money to fix the dock. Then Professor Oak and Ash's mom show up and say that there is a swim suit contest, so Misty and Ash's mom enters and I Don't Know The Rest.

 No News Again -

 by Doom

 Nope Sorry

 by Doom

 Pikachu Nintendo 64 -

 by Doom
To the left is the all new, limited edition, Pikachu Nintendo 64. It is going to be release in Japan on July 21, 2000. There is no release date for the U.S., but it should be coming to by the end of this year. The pokeball on the system is the on and off button, and if you press pikachus feet that will restart your game.

Pokemon Puzzle League and Hey You Pikachu will be coming sometime in the fall of 2000 also.

 We Need Your Help! -

 by Doom
Well again We Need help So please If You Can E-mail Me and Tell Me You want to help.

 My Site Is Gettin hits

 by Doom
Ok, my site is finally getting hits please keep visiting so i can get hosted by some site.

 Limited Edition Picks -

 by Doom
In The Picks Section Page 1 There are 2 picks Colorfan and Dentail Those are the frst 2 of pokefake and they are only for a limited time you may take them but you MUST Link to us or put under the image"Made By Pokemon Fake"

 No News

 by Doom
Basically No News.

 Still No News

 by Doom
Still No News!

 We Need affilaites!

 by Doom
We Need more affilaites please e-mail me to become one!".

 E-mail Me To Host Me

 by Doom
If You have a site please e-mail me and i will check it out,But you must have a hosting program because im checking out the site to see if I would like you to host me.

 Domain Needed Or Hosting

 by Doom
I want a domain Badly or someone to host me.

 We Can Finally Let You Make Your Own Fake Pokemon! -

 by Doom
Now In The Section Make Your Own Pokemon Thats fake you can get the blank Gif to make the pokemon!

 Site Pokemon Fake

 by Doom
Well We Opend Yesterday and my site has 12 hits


 by Doom
I Need a pokemon site to host me!