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Please look at my decks and email me to tell me what you think!

I have a couple of decks that I would like you to review and critique for me. I would like any sugestions you might have for me. Anyway, here are the decks:

Deck one:

Power Pack:

1 clefairy

1 clefable

2 dratini

1 dragonite

2 kangaskhan

2 ditto

1 snorlax

2 rattata

1 raticate

2 lickitung

1 spearow

1 fearow

1 doduo

1 dodrio

1 jigglypuff

1 tauros

1 porygon

1 breeder

2 switch

1 poke' dex

1 gust of wind

1 poke' ball

2 potion

1 super potion

1 energy removal

1 recycle

4 double colorless energy

23 fighting energy

Next deck:

Rock Slide:

4 geodude

3 graveler

2 golem

3 diglett

1 dugtrio

2 machop

2 machoke

1 machamp

2 onix

2 ryhorn

2 rydon

1 breeder

2 switch

1 poke' dex

1 gust of wind

1 poke' ball

2 potion

1 super potion

1 energy removal

1 recycle

1 double colorless energy

25 fighting energy

click to email me here

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