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Mew Cheats/Codes


Rumors on how to catch Mew...

Here's the first rumor I've heard about how to get Mew. There's a guy in the Celadon Mansion who tells you to talk to him when you fill up your Pokédex. A lot of people say that he'll give you Mew as a reward for filling up your Pokédex, but if you go to you'll find out that he only gives you a certificate. So as you can see, this is only a rumor that has no factual basis.

Here's the next way. Gameshark. We all know that you can get him using a gameshark, but what about all of us who don't have one? Besides, like it says above, his stats won't be as high like it would if he was normal.

Here's a new one. I hadn't heard about this one, or the one after this, but I'm putting down any rumors I find about Mew on this page. Ok here it goes. First you must catch all 150 pokemon and MissingNo. After that go and trade them all over to another gamepak or instead of catching your number 150 (mewtwo) have someone trade it to you because in order to do this you must not have caught Mewtwo yet. First go get the diploma in the mansion in Celedon and read it. Then you must talk with Prof. Oak 151 times. After that you must go to Cinnabar Island and read all the reports on Mew 151 times each. Then you go to the Unknown Dungeon ASAP and catch Mewtwo. Put him on top of your fighting list and return to Cinnabar Island. You'll see Mew attacking the mansion. You can not catch him here because he runs away when he sees MewTwo. Now beat the Elite Four and Gary. After that go to the Unknown Dungeon again and Mew should be sitting where MewTwo was originaly.

Here's the second one where I've never heard this before. As soon as you start the gameboy hold up and A until you see Ash and the screen says pokémon. After that release the buttons and push Start, Left, and B all at once. Continue your game and go into the Unknown Dungeon. Mew should then appear randomly.

Rumors from other trainers This is the first one I've gotten from another person, and it goes like this. First you must catch all 150 pokémon. Then go to either box 1 or 7 in a computer and Mew will be there.

Here's the second one I've gotten from someone. And here it goes...When Bill gets in the cell seperation system, walk outside so you don't fix him. Then trade for a pokémon with CUT, cause you can't get on the S.S. Anne. Then when you get to Cinnabar Island, SURF up and down the side of the island and Mew should appear randomly.

Know any rumors about Mew? Or maybe you got some pictures for me. If you do, E-mail me at


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