MWAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! I have once again reached the level of boredom at which I find I should work on the website, so for the two people who still come here: How is it? You doing fine? Anything new going on? Actually the other girls and I have been talking about rewriting parts of the site again, and actually posting on the message board. Maybe Emily will actually get her webcomic going this time, and Renee will finish the main page drawing that she promised me a year ago. I hope that if anyone still checks this page they are going to get some other
JUST A WARNING~*~*~ All of you with high blood pressure, fear of stuff, or lack of cheeze wizz... PLEASE LEAVE, for it’s therefore assumed that you also don’t have a strange enough sense of humor to deal with us all. If you happen to have a good sense of humor, and are just lacking in the cheese wiz department, please go to Safeway, and return only when you are properly supplied.
Even NEWER than NEW! The message board has been revamped, as in, much cooler than before. Clicky the new link, and check out the healthy goodness!Clicky Clicky!
Also, again we thank all those who’ve added something to the SC page, in any way shape or form.
The Revamped! SC Online Message Board!
Sites that we find very cool: