The KT is being a good girl and is actually writing her Bio. Pics will arrive shortly, once she actually finds one of herself (they are rare critters), or just takes one? Anyhoo, about the KT:
INFO: The KT is a ferocious beast of many names; her actual name is Kathryn, commonly Katie, or one of her various psychotic nicknames such as KT, Kay Tay, Krazy Teriyaki, Kahè, etc. She resides mainly with her mutti in a house by the river. When home, she rarely leaves her basement except to scavenge for edible goods such as mangos and/or coffee. Her dad's house is a block or so away, but she doesn't really go there much, mainly because of poor relations with the step-female parental unit. Oh well. She also has a little neurotic sister named Kelly, but we don't really care about her, do we?
DESCRIPTION: The KT is a rather bizarre creature. She can be incredibly random and insane at times, when one can hear her infamous gigglish laughing. Other times she's really calm and zen-like, and often acts as a counselor to the friendlies. Most of the time she's just in between. She is a creative one, and really enjoys drawing and whatnot, and wants to go to New York and be an architect when she's older. (She's doing architecky summer program right now in California!) She's also obsessed with coffee. It's her heroin. She can often be found at Starbucks, sipping in ecstasy at her iced carmel macchiatto. If you want KT to love you, just give her coffee.
LIKES: The KT enjoys many things, such as:
Coffee, Fuzzy clothing, Napping, Long showers, Ibuprofen, Cats, Hangin' with the buddables, Summer, Music, Pygmy marmosets,, Things that smell good, Yoga, Victoria's Secret, Fight Club, Reading, Seattle, and Her man-slut, Andrew
February, Mondays, Working, Dubya, Mr. Mills, Math, Being cold, Tomatoes, Family gatherings, Stupid people, Her computer, Jason Mraz, and Lack of coffee