Hannah would be the second coolest redhead in the world. Of course, that is only in my opinion. Anyway, Hannah is a dancer and whatnot like Erin, but not quite so crazy obsessed like the buff Ballerina.
Shannon is a cool chicka that we've all known forever. She's not really quiet, but sort of acts like she is an awful lot. Just so you know, we're all praying for Casey.
Stephanie is a crazy mad child. Her sister's getting married this summer, so she's going a bit insane about that...she's also trying to get together people to go to London and Paris for senior trip next summer. Talk to her if you're interested.
Aaron (Airhead)
I think that the picture pretty well describes Aaron. Well, maybe not. Aaron's a nut. He kicks butt in Karate, and is all vicious and such. He's also Austyn's little boy-toy/best friend/husband/whatever. We all sort love Aaron, and yeah. People should hit him with basketballs more often!
Brian (Bbyrd)
Zis is zee Brian. Or not. Brian has been demoted to the spider becasue I don't have a picture of him. Yeah. Brian's been around forever. Brian is happily Whitney's boyfriend, and they're really cute together. He's a very sarcastic evil little man (Ha! Little. 6'something...) but for some reason we still love him. I don't fully remember the Bbyrd story, although I know it had something to do with sixth grade and Bambi. Whatever, ask him about it if you really want to know..
Obviously not Skow, but just let it go already. Mr. Westenskow is the crazy madman living with Brian right now. They need to not be quite so close, cause it creeps out their respective girlfriends. Everyone loves Skow for his mad DDR skillz, and just general craziness.
Brian is a odd person. He's a band nut, like many of us, it seems....wahaha we're taking over. Anyway, Higgins is a younger type person, and he's going to be soooo lost without us after next year. It will be very sad. I'll cry.
This isn't David, but that's okay, I'm sure he'll understand. Dave's a cool guy. He lets me copy English homework once and a while. Everyone ought to have a friend like David. And his dad is a crazy spanish speaking man, which makes him even more cool!
This is Teh Smitheroo. I feel kinda bad for him, cause we tend to come over to his house uninvited a whole lot. He has Ms. Pacman in his basement, and a zipline in his backyard...we all love him for it too. Yeah. Smith is very cool.
This is Amodeo. He is Katie's lovah/boyfriend thing. They're really neat together, and he's a pretty cool guy. Andrew is an extreme computer nerd. His website/forumn thing is Stupid-Trash.net. We're all pretty addicted to posting on the message boards there. You should check it out, there's some interesting things up there. Anyway, that's all for Andrew!
Owczarski (Mr. O)
Okay...umm...what to say about Mr. O. He's a nut. As is obvious by the above picture. He let up dress him up in drag for fun. Check out the pictures on The Photo Page. Anyway, Mr O is obsessed with computer games, and is supposedly a legend among the local gamers. I wouldn't know.
Lane (Mr. L)
Again with the dressing up in drag. Anyway. This is Lane. He's really cool. Mr. L and Mr. O are practically inseperable lately. Let me just say this: Lane was against the Makeovers, but he caved when accosted with nail polish.
Obviously this is NOT Time, but I don't have a picture of him, so he is momentarily the spider until I can find a photo. Tim is a crazy band nerd. He and Matt are practically inseperable. They do everything together, and are never seem seperately. Amazing how that works with inseperable people. Actually I haven't seen Tim in a long time, but I hope that he's doing great!
This is Matt. Yay! There's actually a pic of Matt there now! Matt is a really cool person as well. Matt's involved in band a lot, and marches snare drum. He's all excited because he went to drum camp, and came back with definable abs. Yeah...Matt's like 6'4" and skinny as a straw. Or you could also say that he looks like an asperugus...but maybe not. He's a funny man.
Nathan (Elder Kippes)
This is the Whitter's loving sibling. Well, okay, the older one. He's cool enough that he gets a paragraph. Nathan's kickin some butt at WSU right now, but he usually is active in film making a such. Actually he has a production compagny cally Backyard Juck Corperation. They have a really awsome, way more professional than our website. That's all about my brother, except, don't get into a cherry pit fight with him, cause it makes my mom mad.