Random Summer 2003 Pics!

Here are Emily, Sarah, and Jillann sitting on the couch at Renee's house. I'm not exactly sure what we were doing, but they all seem to be laughing at something.

Well, this would be Emily doing the Raptor thing that she does sometimes. I actually think that she wanted me to take this picture. Heh.

Here are Katie, Sarah, Emily, Austyn, Renee, Irene, and Jillann walking down the middle of a street. I do believe that we were on our way to Andrew's house to bug him, but I don't really know.

Urrr...Austyn giving Emily a piggy-back ride. Again, possibly on the way to Andrew's house.

Here are Austyn, Emily, Andrew, and Sarah standing around in Andrew's back yard. So we did go to his house afterall!

Yeah. Here is Andrew, watching Whitney, Renee, Emily, Jill, Sarah, Irene and Katie all trying to do Austyn's flamingo stance thing that she does all the time. Rather humerous at the time, but just odd now!


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