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Sea Side Terror

There was a man sleeping, the pokémon that had led them to him woke him up.
"Hello, I'm Ash," Ash said to the man.
"OH, hello I'm Cloud," The man said to Ash.
"How did you get here," the man asked.
"We follow that pokémon here," Ash said back
"Oh nugget, he my trusty pokémon," Cloud said
"What happen to the people here" Ash asked
"Well..." Cloud stared, "A long time ago a pokémon came from a mountain. It told our people about the dangers of their town. The Pokémon named the town Golden Sea City. The sea turned gold days after the pokémon came. The people tried to take the gold out but it was to heavy. The town became very rich because of the sea but the only thing the town could do with the gold was try to take out chips out of the gold with steel tools. The town was once again visted by the Pokémon. He came to make all the gold in to water once again but the people would not let him, he became very mad at the people so he made the town be very poor and made it impossible to get out. The pokémon also destroyed our town, that is why we are in this cave"
As Ash, Tracey, and Misty listened to the story the man stared to tell they found out what happen to Sea City.
"You better stay here for a little bit" Cloud said to Ash
"Why," Ash asked.
"It's getting late" cloud answered
Ash, Misty, and Tracey Looked out side, the sky was staring to turn black. They spent the night in the cave. There was just above ten people in the cave that night, but there was other cave along the mountainside.

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