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Sea Side Terror

That morning Ash got up to see that Misty, Tracey, and cloud where still sleeping so he took of on the mountain side look for different pokémon to catch. He saw some pikachu eating apples in a tree, He stopped and woke pikachu up. Pikachu looked at a huge, shiny apple and jumped out of ash's arms to the big, red, apple. Pikachu joined the other pikachus and started to eat the big apple he had found, Ash also joined the pikachu by finding him a nice looking apple. As Pikachu finshed his huge apple the other pikachus started to run away.
"Pika pika pikachu," Pikachu said.
Ash started to follow pika and the other pikachus to a big tree; ash was look at all the pikachus jumping in side the tree and saw a little pokemon that looked like a pikachu
"What's that," Ash talking to himself.
"Little is known about Pichu," said Dexter.
As Ash jumped in the tree he heard a loud boom and looked around, he heard it louder and louder.
He looked out one more time and saw a Kangaskhan and a Rhydon, Ash put his head back into the tree.
Meanwhile, Misty and Tracey where just getting up to see that Ash was not in his bed.
They asked Cloud if he knew where Ash was, Cloud didn't know. Cloud asked nugget if it know where Ash was if said
"In big Tree with pikachus," nugget told Cloud.
"Wow that is a smart meowth," tracey said.
"Do you know where the tree is," Misty asked Cloud
"Yea, over there," Cloud said pointiing to a huge tree in the middle of the forest below the mountain.

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