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Sea Side Terror

Misty, Tracy, and Cloud run to the tree to see Ash is gone onces again.
"Now where could Ash be?" said misty angerly.
Tracey didn't pay any mind to misty and saw some pikachus hinding behind some tree stumpes.
"Look over there," Tracey pointing
The pikachus ran away as the three of the walked over to where the pikachu were.
"Wait here I'm going to follow them to see if they go anywhere we might find Ash and Pikachu," Tracey said, "ok?"
Tracey looked around to see if anything was looking then he stared to follow the pikachus. He followed the pikachus to a cave. Once again he found more people in the cave, sleeping
Tracey talking to himself "Do all these people do is sleep?"
Then he saw Ash looking around.
"Ash..." said Tracey, "Why did you leave?"
"Them pikachus" Ash said.
As Ash, Cloud, and Misty come in for a closer look they see some more pikachus but there was some weird look pikachu-things. they asked Ash if he knew what they were.
"You don't think a Pokémon Master wouldn't know!" Ash shouted in Misty's ear
"No..." Misty said
"Well, I do, they are Pichus, they are pre-evolved forums of Pikachu," Ash said talking like Professor Oak.
"You know that because of dexter," Misty said.
"No I don't" Ash said.

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