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Sea Side Terror

Misty looked at Ash and was wondering how he knew what they where if he said that he didn't use dexter?
Mean while Cloud started to walk into the woods past all the caves that were full of the towns people. Ash started to follow him till they entered a grassy field that was over looking a ocean with a small island in it. A little house was on it.
"What is that???" Ash asked Cloud.
"I don't know... I've never seen tha before" Cloud said.
"Do you have a way to get there?" Ash asked.
Cloud and Ash looked back as Tracey came out of the woods behided them and asked them what they were looking at.
"An Island" Ash and Cloud said.
They both looked out but there wasn't an island anymore. Tracey said they should get something to eat and some sleep because they where seeing things.
Ash and Cloud both looked again at were they had see the "island", then they followed Tracey to get some food. Misty was picking off apples that hung from the trees where they had desided to camp, because it was too dark to walk back to the caves. Misty had made some apple sauce and had some barries. Ash, Cloud, and Tracey sat down just as Misty finshed putting the food on a blue blanket that Cloud brought. Ash couldn't belive what had happen today, but he did know that he and Cloud had saw an island with a house on it. After eatting Ash said he was going to take a walk. He grapped a apple of a tree, and started to walk into the woods towards the ocean. Misty stopped him and told him to get some sleep, he said okay.
"Goodnight everyone," said misty, "and Ash get some sleep you look tried."
Ash didn't sleep that night because he mind was racing at a hundred miles per hour thinking about the Island. When everyone was asleep he got up and woke pikachu. He walked off into the night with pikachu in his arms. Misty was the first to awake from sleeping to find Ash and pikachu missing. She woke tracey and Cloud to tell them about Ash. They both said they should eat first then get Ash because they had an idea where he was.
"I'm not cooking" Misty said to Tracey, who had tricked her into cooking the night before.
"Okay Misty," Tracey said, "whatever."
Misty, Cloud, and tracey headed for the ocean clearing but they couldn't seem to find it, so they headed back to camp to find the ocean. They didn't see Ash, so they headed back to were they thought the ocean had been but it was there camp. At the camp Ash was sleeping like a baby holding Pikachu tightly. Everyone was confused because of what had just happen. The talking woke Ash up, he said what was for breakfast. Misty looked at tracey and Cloud, but didn't know what to say.
"You didn't eat without me did you?" Ash asked.
"No, I didn't see you here," Misty said confused.
"I've been here all night," Ash said.
Cloud wanted to go back to the ocean to see if the island was there but he didn't tell Misty, Tracey, or Ash. Ash got up and went to Cloud and said "Come On"
In the back of Cloud's head he wondered if Ash was reading his thoughts. He followed Ash to the ocean, the Island was there.

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