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The Volcano Mystery

The Volcano Mystery

Ash, Misty, And tracy were traveling on the path to Venice City, when they saw a croud running toward them screaming.
The Volcano Is coming, The Volcano Is Coming
Ash ?!?!?!?!?!?
Misty ?!?!?!?!?!
Tracy ?!?!?!??!?!?
Misty said, "Didn't Paul Revere say that?"
Ash said, "I think so."
They were all confused
Then they stopped somebody and asked whats, happened?
The man loudly said, The Venice City Local volcano has just erupted and Destroyed half of Venice....
Ash said, "Is there anyway to stop it?"
The man said, "I dont know, but im not staying around to find out."
Ash, Misty, And Tracy rushed into the town seeing Buildings Collapsing,
Lava Flowing threw the city. The only part of the city was the pokecenter, which was on top of a cliff.
The team went inside the pokecenter to find...
Nurse Joy trapped under a piece of the cealing. and 2 chanseys hurt bad.
Ash Tried to lift the bar up but couldn't"
Ash said I have an idea (a light ball apeared over ash's head)
Misty said, "I dont like that grin ash"
Ash yelled, "CHARIZARD GO"
Charizard toasted ash's face
Ash said, "Charizard please grab that pole with ur claws and pick it up"
::For once it looked like Charizard understood"
Then, Charizard flew off and spit out fire.
Ash said, "Now what're we gonna do?"
All of a sudden, misty's psyduck pops out and Starts glowing
Misty said, "Psyduck! get back in your pokeball u dumb duck!"

Psy yiyiyiyiyi , said Psyduck


Golduck shot out a beam and blew up the peice of the ceiling"
Nurse Joy said, "Thankue, but I only wish everbody was ok."

Tracy said, "What do you mean?"
Nurse Joy said, "Not everbody could escape"

Will everbody escape what will happen?

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