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The Volcano Mystery

Tracy Quietly said, "Oh"
Tracy Yelled, "MARRIL GO"
Tracy said, "Marril Listen for the screams of people"
Marril said, "Marril Marril Marril Marril Marr Marril"
::Marril started running into town dodging the lava::
Ash, Tracy, and Misty said, "Hurry Follow Marril"
::Marril Led them into a ally behind the pokemart::
The lady said, "Anybody, is there anybody there, HELP ME HELP ME!!!!"
Pikachu said, "Pika pikachu pika pika pika"
Ash said, "Pikachu No!!!!"
::Pikachu jumped towards the lady and fell into the lava about 2 feet from her"
Pikachu, screamed in pay "Chuuuuuuuuuu"
::~Pikachu Fainted~::
::Ash started to cry::
Misty screamed(In ash's ear) "Hey u dork Go get pikachu"
::Ash ran and jumped into the air and grabbed pikachu, with his hand as he landed near the lady at the dead end::
The lady revealed her name as Jane (Note)
Jane said, "Finally somebody to rescue me"
Ash wished, "Only if I had charizard"
CHHHHHHHHHHARIZARD, screamed charizard as he flew down to save jane and ash.
Ash, "I'm so happy, charizard obeyed me..."
Misty said, "Ash, Theres more important things than that"
::Tracy checked jane for injurys::
::She only had a bruise on her leg::
::Jane stood up and started limping toward Ash to thank him::
Misty said, "Ash im so glad your ok"
Tracy yelled, "MARRIL RETURN"
Misty yelled, "GOLDUCK RETURN"
Tracy yelled, "Venonat GO!!!!!!"
Tracy said, "Venonat scan the area for people"
Venonat Said, "Veno Venonat"
::Venonat started running::
::The group entered a factory through the second story window(they were standing on a hill)::
---Since the first floor was flooded with lava they rushed to find the person because the second floor was filling up fast..---
Factory worker: Help, Help me!!!

Pikachu- Fainted
Charizard- Who knows where
Golduck- Pokeball
Marril- Pokeball
Venonat- Showing Freinds where the person is
Dextor said, The Venice City volcano only erupts ever 250 years
All of a sudden lava started flowing around ash,misty, brock,and the factory worker.
::They were surrounded::
Ash said, "Its about a 13 foot jump"
Misty said, "Ash, you dork, i think i can see that
::The lava started getting closer and closer and closer::
-When it was about 2 feet away, misty said-
Misty:Ash I never admitted it but, but. I lllllo..
Tracy said, "We gotta get out of here!"

Will they escape???
Find out in Chapter 3!

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