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The Volcano Mystery

~The Lava was a foot away, When~
Misty said, "Ash remember the penants u got from the pokemon leauge"
Ash, "o yeah"
::Ash takes out the ice pennant::
Ash Screamed "ICE NOW"
::Articuno flew in and freezed all the lava for a a couple seconds so they could escape::
As they ran out the lava unfreezd an started flowing again.
Misty said, few
Factory Worker said, "Theres one thing we can do if it is nessacary"
Ash said, "What?"
Factory Worker said, "Theres a freeze blaster in the cave if we go there we can get rid of the lava"
::They all went to get the freeze blaster, when they found it 95% of venice was covered in lava::
Ash said, "Here gos nothing"
Ash said, "Whats wrong?"
::Bangs on it::
Misty said, "Ash, you dork you might break it"
Factory worker said, "let me see it"
Factory worker said, "Just our luck we need a Platoniam Crystal, which is only found on the crystal onix"
Ash said "What if i called all 3 legendary birds and asked them to call mother nature to stop this?"
Factory worker yelled, "No you dork"
Tracy said, "The only other way would be to clog it,but how?!?!?!?!"
Tracy said, "I know, If we get some ruffage and drop it in eventually it will clog"
Factory worker said, "If we did that it would cause a chain reaction and destroy the whole universe"
Ash yelled "ICE PENANT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Articuno appeared "Articuno Articuno(what now u called me an hour ago)
Can you use ur blizzard and create a huge snow storm and stop it with tons of ice and snow, yelled ash
Articuno said, "Articuno(Ill try)"
::Brrrrrrrr said ash::
Yay Its winter in the summer, now we have 2 winters 1 spring and 1 fall, said misty
In the fall, we will start to rebuild the town but for now we have to sleep in tents far away from here. Lets just hope this never happens again...
~~~~~~~~~~~1 year later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ash, Misty, And Tracey were on there way to visit venice city to see what happened.
::When they arived in town, it was totally rebuilt::
Misty said, "We did it! Matto:Ha ha *Wink*"
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