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News For August 2001

No Show At Spaceworld 2001   | Date: August 23
No real Pokemon news at this year's Spaceworld held in Japan. There is in fact a Pokemon game for Gamecube in development, but why hasn't anything been shown from it at Spaceworld? Shigeru Miyamoto answers that question:
"The main focus of today was the production of software to be released in this calendar year, that's why you didn't see Pokémon and other projects, but in the future, we are going to show you something about a GameCube version of Pokémon.
Yeah of course, we've shown it once or twice, and today we did not show, so in that case please suspect that there are some things which are not decided. And some things not yet ready to be shown, but when that something is ready, we'll be ready to show it."

New Episodes   | Date: August 18
today, WB premiered two new episodes of Pokemon to launch the new seaons of the show, "The Johto League Championships". The episodes were entitled, "A Goldenrod Opportunity" and "A Dairy Tale Ending"

Crystal Sales   | Date: August 16
Nintendo announced recently that the Pokemon Crystal game has already sold over 600,000 copies in the two weeks it has been out in the US.

"Modified"   | Date: August 10
Straight from the WOTC chat: master_trainer_mike says, "Now an announcement for you. The West Coast Qualifiers will be using the new Pokemon format. This new format, called MODIFIED will be available for sanctioned tournaments starting September 1st. Since the QT's start on the 8th, we thought it appropriate to use it for the QT's. Currently Modified allows you to use cards from Team Rocket, Gym Heroes, Gym Challenge, Neo Genesis, Neo Discovery, and Southern Islands as well as all promo cards we have released EXCEPT for Ancient Mew and Birthday Pikachu. Also Neo Genesis Sneasel is Banned! AND you cannot use any promo cards that are just stamped or colored variants form sets not allowed (so no Pre-Release Aerodactyls for example). This format will change over time as new sets come out, watch the chat

The Psychic Sidekicks   | Date: August 7
the This Saturday on Kids WB a new episode of Pokemon will air that was previously skipped for some reason, The Psychic Sidekicks. You'll have to check your local listings for when it airs since I've seen different times when I was confirming this information.

Crystal Available   | Date: August 1
Pokemon Crystal should now be available at most North American retail stores. If you live outside North America, or can't find it in your area, you should try

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