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We're not just villans, we're superstars!
Why do we look angry?
One of our better ideas.
Only we could make those hideous suits look glamorous!
That's better, we look happy again.
I think I'll be sick...
We have to stop letting James write our cheers.
We'll be safe this way, you said.  You've moewthed your last!
We're prepared this time.
How could you have EVER let me talk you into wearing that, James?
Don't mess with us!
One of our worst motto recitations.  Brrr...
Take notes!  Take notes!
We look good in almost anything!  Especially that...
The wig is causing us physical pain...
NOT one of our better disguises...
I knew that wig would bring bad luck!
Awww, yes, don't we look dorky now, yes we do...
We just fit right in...
Shut up, James, we're getting rich and don't need distractions!
Quick--Which one's Jesse and which one's James?
Well, at least we finally have our own TV show.
What happened to our eyes?!
We forgot!  We were busy being evil!
On second thought, maybe this wasn't such a good plan...
Couldn't you have picked a more stylish pose, James?
No, James!  Don't do it!

Shh! We're Not Really Here!