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No One Will Notice Us...

The Wig From Hell returns!
Nooo!  It's eaten your brain!
The blue gloves just sell this costume.
Okay, James, you're scaring me.
Run, boy, run!
Sing it, James!
Everybody join in:  'Twinkle twinkle...'
Just don't sneeze.
Comb your hair, boy!
Just take 'em and run!  No, no, don't battle!
Maybe you should consider bellhop as a career opportunity.  I mean, you do that anyway, right?
James, we're gonna take you out and BUY you some pants.
I can't belive I TOUCHED those CLOTHES...
I can't believe I looked HAPPY...
No... no... the miniskirt is just WRONG, James...
On the other hand, I look gorgeous!
Okay, so maybe I could have posed better, too...
At least I can cross-dress and look normal.  Unlike some people.
Don't be ridiculous, James!  The ship isn't sinking!

Sneak Quietly On...