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Absolutely Invisible

Honestly, James, it's just a paper-cut!
Okay, can the melodramtics.
Ah, blue-haired men everywhere...
James, peel me another grape.
If it'd been a beauty contest, I'd have won hands down!
My heart will go on... *sniff*
Brrr...  shades of Jessebelle...
This pen is worthless!  I will not write with a pen that smears the ink in MY NAME!
James, fetch me a martini.
Wait a sec-- is that RICE?!  What are you implying here?
BWAHAHA!  You can't escape!
Hopscotch, anyone?
I will now attempt the impossible... I will pull James in a manly outfit out of my hat!  Fwssh!  Dangit!
You're not going to win, James.  You can't be in the Nutcracker.
What do you mean, Bobby McFenton asked YOU out?!

But Wait! There's Even More!