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The Sweetheart

James, James, James... you don't fight Butterfree with your boot...
And why are you shrieking?  You're just airborne, for God's sake!
The puppy look will not lessen your punishment!
Yes, James, we are going to McDonald's.
Only those of us who are deserving get the stylish blue backlighting!
Nice view, ne?  No, no, don't look down!
Couldn't you have ducked or something?
Now, James, let's not get TOO happy with the helicopter...
Why didn't you just pick off the twerps while you were at it?
If you even ASK...
Communing with Kangaskahn...
Didn't the Mankey tell you ANYTHING?!  YOU DO NOT KICK POKEMON!
Get that thing away before Meowth gets ideas!
Moron! *WHACK* Moron! *WHACK*
Do you realize that you were just trashed by a DECORATIVE BUG?!
Um, yes, James, it's lovely... it's a-a-a-what is it?
Nice form.
Ultimate weapon indeed.
James!  How dare you-- wait, is that even a human being?
I didn't know the circus was in town.
Anime characters get the coolest effects if we so much as point!
Yeek!  That, James, is too close to the face for comfort!
Um, James?  Home plate is over here...
Naptime Not-Now!
Pouting will not change the fact that I have the money, and I say we go to Red Lobster!
*starts singing* If you need to crash then crash and burn you're not alone...
Leave it alone!  Leave it alone!
Go, batter batter batter!
Aww, how sweet.  I'll add it to my collection.
Another red one... what happened to the other colors you used to have?
Unless Weezing is inside that flower...
Why is the rose so tiny all of a sudden?
Yes, James, we'll have a funeral for the poor innocent mothy.  Oy vay...
Rule #84:  When selling to pedestrians, remove Rocket uniform to avoid cops.
Don't you talk to ME like that!
I'm so ashamed... a partner who's allergic to a basic component of Rocket special effects...
Where's the bodysuit, dangit?
Yes, James.  Money is good.  NOW GO STEAL SOME!
Wave bye-bye!
What?  What food?  Where?
Dangit, hold still, twerp!
The purple face lines always mean trouble...
How did you manage to ditch Meowth?

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