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Just The Two Of Us

Ready!  Wait, where's Meowth?
That... *gasp* was... a... *gasp* good one,... *gasp* James...
And the background is red...
Here you are, folks!  The full package!  And that's not the only package to view...
And I was sure he couldn't throw on cue!  He messed me up!
And the background is blue...
To show our superiority, we now prove just how much better we look in black uniforms than... THEM!
The sun is shining!  The sky is blue!  The BALLOON IS POPPING!  AAAAH!
My oatmeal... my HAIR...
The fans were a wonderful touch, don't you think?
My hair isn't at its best, but someone's is... ooh...
A raise!  A raise!
Don't even try it, Meowth!  The food is ours!
You can't be tired already, James!
All the pokemon wrapped up into one!  Whee!
James!  Don't slouch!  We're on the air!
Not bad... This one doesn't look like a mug shot...
NOOO!  Don't open that jar of mayonaisse!  It's been in the balloon for eight months!  STOP!  AAAAH!
Romantic firelight... mortal danger... James... all in all, a good day...
I look almost as doofy as James...
Ah, our first motto.  The memories...
Now this was a memorable moment.
At least he's watching where he puts his hands...
Who was that guy?  What's he doing in our photos?
There goes our raise...
*sniff* I loved that helicopter... it died a sad death...

Of COURSE There's More!