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Pictures of Us--Glorious and Not So Glorious...

It's back!  I KNEW you shouldn't have kicked it!
Yes... one of my few imperfections...
Why do we keep digging these things?
Stop it!  You're making him cry!
At least we don't have to walk.
And we don't have to pay money for the ferry.
You, Meowth, are in the way!
Ack!  It's morphing!
One of our best hauls.
You look like a bug.
That was a most ungraceful blast-off, James!
This one isn't any better!
Ooh, soft.
A favorite spying vantage.
Touch my stuff again and die!
Laughter at or for Meowth?
You idiot!  Stop squirming!
What's the password?  Nope!  Too bad!  There isn't one!  BWAHAHAHA!
This is all YOUR fault!
It wasn't MY fault!
It's a lizard.  An ugly lizard.
Oh, the humiliation... not to mention the pain...
One of our better cheers.  Why?  Because James didn't write it.
*train noises*
This, Meowth, is not playtime!
Drat!  The lifeguards have all gone home!
My life is over...
The Boss knows the Tango?!
And we didn't even dig this one...
How could they have been so callous!  They RUINED our belongings!
Doing what we do best!
If only we'd have gotten a silent Meowth... ah, that would be heaven...
A moment of communal dastardliness.
Don't get optimistic, James!  You know what happens when you do that!
You don't fit the picture, Meowth!
WE'RE ready for some real food!  To Hardees!
Again, ruined uniforms.  Again, an unaffordable trip to the cleaners.
You don't fit this picture either!  Get with the program!
We'll get you for this, Meowth!
The irony of it all...
I'm finally back in my element... being bowed to by gorgeous blue-haired men...
That's his HAIR?!
This is so incredibly embarassing... I think I'm flashing the camera...
Get this thing off me!  My hair is starting to bend!
The moment I get through being shocked...
And the bomb drops in 5..4..3..2..1..
Fireproof... elelctricproof... waterproof... airproof... we can't win!
This is the third picture you've spoiled, Meowth!
This is so girly-looking I want to puke.
Sigh... that one instant of painlessness...
This would be a great pose if that CAT weren't in the way.
We can do it!
Finally!  Something small enough to go in my handmade cage!
Yes, beautiful... music?  What mus--oh yeah, that music.  Lovely....
It's in the bag!
Yet again, my lovely body is about to be abused...
Right.  When I yell 'HUT!', you...
We've gone all spooky.
*sniff* Thanks for cheering me up.  And I wouldn't mind going out to dinner.  My treat, of course, I'm the one with the money.

More Shenanigans