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We'll Just Fade Into The Background...

That is just disturbing.
I don't know which is worse; the nurse or the Romeo bit.
The Romeo.
Or maybe it was the nurse that was worse.  Oh, gross.  Remember to brush your teeth tonight.
Yet again, Meowth, you do not fit the picture!  What is WRONG with you today?
I'll yell at you just as soon as I get my breath back...
Brr... the nice old lady bit wasn't so great...
Even worse, eating without those glasses falling off.
Honestly, James, did you really think that just because I'm pretending to be a nice old lady that I wouldn't be just as mean as always?
*barfs all over James* *indignant sounds*
A perfect disguise!
Well, almost.
Well it worked for a little while!
On top of the world!
Ah, the most breathtaking shot....
He should do that accent all the time... it suits him...
And here we are doing somersaults in hats.  Intellegent of us.
That's it!  The glasses come off!  They're interfering with our happy hug!
Actually, if you don't get too close, the glasses look kind of cool...

And On We Merrily Go.