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The Fiendishly Clever One

Thaaaaat's right, ladies and gentlemen!  Welcome to Dorkfest, the dorkiest show on TV!
And here are your hosts!
Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!
Thou moron.
Yet another rose pose.  Hey, it rhymes.
And another...
Put that down before you hurt yourself!
Ooh, jumbo-sized roses now.
You look coy... you're hiding something...
Your chin has gone all pointy again.
NOOO!  IT WON'T WORK, YOU--too late.
*sniff* Such a sad story....Wait a minute....
Ooh, I like.
You've got to cultivate non-moving hair like mine, James!
That's right, give us the innocent look...
Can we please put down the Dratini?  We've got viewers with taste here...

The Festival of the Wimp