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Dynamic Duo

Meowth, when we said to bring home whatever you wanted for dinner....
The mike matches my hair!
Meowth's gone....are you thinking what I'm thinking?
A revealed boyhood talent!
James!  *SMACK*  Your tummy is fine!
Don't even think it.
Have you been using my shampoo?
Dastardly plots so often require dancing....
So was it Dominoes or Pizza Hut?
How else did you expect us to do it in a phone booth?  Oops, I phrased that rather badly....
Our nightmares made real....
Beautiful, stylish, and aerodynamic, too!
EEEK!  My hair MOVED!
Is he really taller than me?  I never noticed....
A rock is wedged WHERE, you say?
Patty cake, patty cake....
Cheek to cheek.  Very nice cheeks on both counts.
So the mouse is back, eh?
Oh, for a real job....
The dental floss!  Now!  We go on in five minutes!
Don't cut your lip this time, James.
Boohoo!  Our noses are gone!
Don't EVER....
I have a lovely new throw rug, James!  Um, familiar?  Why do you say that?
Stop barging in on us!
Let's sing the tinker song!

Run! Run!