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Three Merciless Villains

Why, Meowth!  You brought us chocolate!
No, James, I'm fairly sure that WASN'T there before.
No, James, I don't think he's selling food.
Meowth, you traitor!
Don't just sit there, James!  Get over here and break my fall!
All right.  Burger King it is.
Look!  Now we can legally discriminate against Tentacools!  No, James, don't pet it!
James, this is NOT a fun ride!  I'm never listening to you again!
Yes, you have effectively defeated the bush.  Bravo.
And I just did my mascara!
I didn't know Pikachus could toedance.
My God!  The twerps are... are...  KISSING!
Meowth, you have two seconds...
Please, God...  let us find bus fare to get home...
I don't care if you think you saw a gnome, this is not the time for that!
What a diabolical plan...
I made banana sandwiches!
Don't just whine, James!  Get your butt moving and rescue me!
Honestly, ask a guy to carry your purse and he makes a production out of it...
No!  Not that!  Don't sing!
Meowth, you're supposed to be looking cool!  What's wrong with you?
What a day...  I have a pig-monkey on my head...  THIS IS YOUR FAULT, JAMES!
Well, obviously, it didn't work.  Darn that pair of rollerskates!
Now, now, it's not hopeless, James.  Says here that male pattern baldness can be prevented...
Titanic is just so... beautiful!
Just you wait, James!  I can beat you to that rock!
The twerps are trying to be impressive again!  WAHAHAHA!  *sniff*
Yes, James, I brought Lunchables.
Just try to beat us!
Meowth, I wouldn't do that.  I know for a fact he hasn't washed his hair for a while.
THAT will make me more beautiful?  I don't buy it.
Now, this time don't swallow it, James.
James!  When I tell you not to touch the red button...
Land ahoy!
Meowth!  Stop looking happy!
Eek!  My mouth warped!
Remember, as soon as he's not looking, you jump out and grab the lunchbox!
What?  You have some skin ointment?
*sounds of mass carnage*
That is the last time I eat ship-issue cafeteria food.
Signal flares!  Now the pizza man can find us!
You've been selling pictures of us???

Quick! To the Next Page! The Twerps're Coming!