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Glorious Us

We are not going to the Kitty Kat Emporium and THAT'S THAT!
Haha!  Now we have you...  James, what do you mean you forgot the guns???
Good job, Meowth.  Stop whining.
Luckily, we have a contingency plan...  James!  Release the caterpillars!
We're stranded up here...  with only enough canned food to last a week... and you're telling me YOU FORGOT THE CAN OPENER?
Sigh...  James, while I appreciate the effort, I don't think you're helping to cheer me up...
Ack!  We're trapped in a video game!
James!  Stop hiding behind the cat!
James, what did I tell you about the catapult?
Flee!  Flee!
No, really...  we're circus performers!  Yeah, that's it!  James!  Play dead!
*swack*  I told you to never block me!
Does anyone else think this is going to be a bad day?
Ah, excellent.  The rubber band bombs are working just fine, thank you, James.
AAAAAAAAA!  The Boss and... Cassidy??
We're the coolest!  We're the coolest!  Everybody join in!
Meowth, you're about to find out just how badly I can injure you using only my hair.
Sigh... yes, that is the ice cream truck, James.
It worked!
I must say, this is one of the uglier ice sculptures I've ever seen...
Aha!  Picnic basket, five o'clock!
And then we'll go shoe shopping...
My god... it's raining... pinecones?
I demand to know why we're unconscious!
We fly through the air with the greatest of ease...
You'd think it'd be easier to sneak into an exercise center...
And now we're going to blow up Tokyo Tower!  HAHAHAHAHA!
You mean...  Meowth is... a porcupine?
Oh, horrors...  my hair is coming undone!
Oh, my gosh!  Meowth, you're a father!
And we'll be back... with tomatoes this time!
So where should we go for dinner?
James, look cheerier!
Happy happy joy joy!
And that's why Uncle Giovanni wants YOU!

Hurry Up! We Haven't Got All Day!