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James' Pokemon

The following are James' pokemon, those he can control and otherwise. The Victreebel, for example, keeps eating his head. He loves it to death, the idiot. He uses Weezing primarily, but he has a Growlith named Growlie back home (such an imaginative name, coming from James) and he had a Magikarp. *GRRR...* That--that FISH cost me my salary advance and was useless and then almost killed us! Anyways, we're just gonna include some pictures, nothing big. Weezing was a Christmas present, from whom is unclear; somehow I don't think it was his parents. He probably stole it. Anyways, he had Growlie ever since he was little, and he caught Victreebel when it was just a Weepinbel. Here are some pictures of the moron's pokemon, and then, of course, you'll all hurry back to the previous page to observe my beautiful and glamorous and obviously superior pokemon, won't you?