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And you have entered our domain. Feel free to send chocolates, gifts, etc. Whatever you feel necessary. Jesse here, as in the beautiful and goddess-like. Oh, yeah, and James, my good-looking partner, is around here somewhere. And Meowth. But enough about them.

I'm good-looking?

*blush* I wasn't talking to you.


Anyway, go ahead and enjoy the assorted stuff we slapped up in here and-- DON'T TOUCH THAT! YES, I MEAN YOU! IF you acknowledge the obvious superiority of Team Rocket, by all means, hang around and have fun.

Finally, an ACTUAL UPDATE!
Mar. 6, 2001

James here, with the first official update of this site! A lot more of the pictures have Jesse's wonderfully witty tags (at least, that's what she told me to say), and there is some fanfiction just freshly put up and ready to be viewed. No fanart yet, but none of our fans have gotten around to doing anything artistic for a long time. Maybe someday. We say that phrase a lot, don't we?

Mar. 15, 2001

Another update! There's a guestbook now, brand new, just put up! Be the first to have the honor of signing it! And the gallery is truly done being renovated, at least until Jesse puts up more pictures. The links section is coming along nicely, and we're getting new links every day. If you would like to link to us, Jesse has me and Meowth working on a banner for the site, so hang on just a sec. There's even fanart up! Well, I guess that's all. Enjoy!

Even MORE Updates! At the risk of sounding corny, WOW!
Apr. 8, 2001

This site has won an award! We're so proud, as you can imagine, that we've decided to plague you all with an annoying and impossible-to-win contest! Just kidding, although if you folks would like to see one, tell us so.

Better Updates!
July 27, 2001
It's me! Yes, yes, thank you so very much, you may speak to my agent. Anyways, there are new things around here, because James finally got off his duff and did what I told him to. Hey! That's not fair! Nobody cares what you think, James. Anyway, there are new pictures in the images gallery (no!), new quotes up (it can't be!), and EIGHT pieces of new fanart by Shipper Princess! She's not too bad, either, so I can look at her stuff for a while. (My beautiful face just canNOT be done justice with art!) Bye now, send me chocolates! And you can send James a donut, too.

Why We Are All The Wonderful Things We Are

Our Cute Litte Faces

If You Need It Explained To You...

Worship Us

What They’ve Done To Us... I Can’t Bear It!

Our Indulgences In What-Ifs...

The Original Words Of Wisdom

Speak With The Beautiful Creators Of This Page

They Never Win, But We Love Them Anyway

(Theme From The Twilight Zone...)

Even Superheros Need To Kick Back Every Once In A While

Symbols of Our Dominion!

WIN! WIN! *flashing neon sign*

Some links to other anime sites.....They aren't Team Rocket, but they are still good.....
Colony L-27
Silence of the Spirit
Digitally Obsessed

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