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Meowth speaking. Dese are our actual words from some of da most... interesting times in our careers. Jesse and James didn't want to do dis page either. Dey said something about it being embarassing. Anyway, read and try not to die laughing!

How shall we sneak in? We could take the road, or risk our life climbing up the cliffs.Well, we certainly can't take the road.We have to climb those cliffs!'Cause we're da bad guys, and da bad guys always gotta sneak in!

It's time for us to rain on someone's parade again. James?Jesse?We're back to back, so prepare for trouble! Watch your step, or we'll make it double!

To be truly great criminals, we have to do things the hard way.And then we'll be hardened criminals.But it will be tough to reach the top!Because we're afraid of heights!

Sometimes I wonder what the meaning of it all is.

Do we always have to mess up everybody's plans? Even I think this is rotten!Quit complaining!

(Ash:) Hey, two against one? That's not fair!Well, as we say, all's fair in love, war, and pokemon battles.I say that saying's rotten and so are you!Of course we are. We're the bad guys.

Finally! A foolproof plan to capture Pikachu!

We'll use our anti-Pikachu rubber balloon bazooka!

You see? Didn't I tell you we needed fireproof uniforms?Shut up and keep running!

With enemies like that, who needs friends?

We may be mean and nasty, but we never turn our backs on a teammate in trouble.As long as we're not exposed to any actual physical danger.

Because we're more than teammates. We're friends.

The Ultra Deluxe Balloon Bang-Bang is about to begin!

Nothing makes me angrier than being told the truth!

So size DOES matter.

Something so rare and unusual... you know what that means! Let's grab it for ourselves!

Well, as you know, I'm no gentleman.

We're bad, not insensitive!

Hey! You can't take him!

You Really DO care!

Oh, Jesse, please don't leave me!Don't worry, I won't.

I want a donut!

(And finally, the classic lines)Prepare for trouble!Make it double!To protect the world from devastation;To unite all peoples within our nation;To denounce the evils of truth and love;To extend our reach to the stars above;Jesse.James.Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!Surrender now or prepare to fight!Meowth, that's right!