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This Is The Moment

This is the moment,

This is the day.

This is the moment

When I know I’m on my way.

Every endeavor

I have made ever,

Is coming into play,

Is here and now today.

This is the moment,

This is the time,

When the momentum

And the moment are in rhyme.

Give me this moment,

This momentous moment.

I’ll gather up my past,

And make some sense at last.

This is the moment

When all I’ve done,

All of the dreaming, scheming and screaming

Becomes one.

This is the day.

Just see it shine!

When all I’ve lived for

Becomes mine!

This is the moment,

This is the hour,

When I can open up tomorrow

Like a flower.

And put my hand to

Everything I planned to

Fulfill my grand design,

See all my stars align!

This is the moment!

My final test!

Destiny beckoned,

I never reckoned

Second best.

I won’t look down,

I must not fall.

This is the moment,

The sweetest moment of them all!

This is the moment!

Strike all the odds!

This day or never,

I sit forever

With the gods!

When I look back,

I will recall,

Moment for moment,

This was the moment,

The greatest moment of them all!

The greatest moment of them all!