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Anthro' Pokemon Gallery.

Here ya go! Some Anthro' a.k.a Furry Pokemon art for ya! And OOoooo... with thumbnails no less! ^_^

Quazar and Black Mew both © T.Leyk 2001.

Ayia's Kimono. Ayia Raichu © T.L.2001

Quazar the blue Mew. © T.L. 2001.

Destiny © T.L. 2001.

Ayia Raichu © T.L.2001.

Destiny the Gothic Pikachu, Shard's female counterpart. Destiny © T.L. 2001.

An Anthro Mewtwo! It's been a long time coming, he's got no name yet but he's still © me!

Kestral Dragonite © T.L. 2001.

Black Mew © T.L. 2001.

Shard the Goth Sandslash © T.L. 2001.

This is for Masei. I missed her birthday, so this is kind of late...but better late then never I guess. ^_^ Masei © herself and Black Mew © me.

Ayia Raichu © T.L.2001.

Johiko Lugia © Masei. NO STEALING!

Sonni Lugia © himself. NO STEALING!

Kadabra Mage © T.L.2001.

Samu Lugia © himself. NO STEALING!

Scar the black Charizard © T.L. 2000-01.

Rashi Lugia © herself. NO STEALING!

Splash Dragonair © T.L. 2001

Koreyu Lugia © himself. NO STEALING!

Magmar Fem' © T.L. 2001.

Goldeen and Seaking merfolk © T.L. 2001.

Pyro © T.L. 2001

Black Mew © T.L. 2001

Masei Lugia © herself. NO STEALING!

Luna Umbreon © T.L. 2001.

Angelmew © herself. NO STEALING!

Pepper Clefable © T.L. 2001.

Abra Mage © T.L. 2001.