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The War in Heaven

The Fall of the Prince of Darkness as told by the bible is a somewhat complicated tale. Not that the story itself is complicated.......but the seemingly blatant contradictions scattered through out the whole ordeal. It's as if this story was written after the fact, and then was "forced" into the teachings of the a very awkward manner. But first, the story of how the Greatest, Most Powerful Angel fell from grace and into the chasm of fire, brimstone, and of course, Eternal Damnation.

REVELATION 12:7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they were defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world -- he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

This is what the bible says of the War.
Perhaps I should start off by saying that the Fallen Ones have two main categories: Those who had allied with Satan during the War in Heaven and the ones known as Grigori. According to the book of Enoch,The Grigori( otherwise known as the Watchers) were chosen to watch over and gently assist Gods new creations(humans)in the beginning. This sounds like a "Guardian Angel", does it not? Well, the Angels angered God because they taught man the forbidden art and science of herb craft, magick, divination, and astrology.
Basically, these Angels were the trainers of the original Witch.
And we all know how the Christian God abhorrs witches and their craft, so he made a "special place" for all of us in the firey abyss of Hell.
Also, the Grigori took on a physical form and fornicated with the women they were supposed to be watching.
When God learned of this (learned of this? I'm sorry....I was under the impression that God was Omnipotent and can see everything as it happens. I didn't think that God ever got "suprised" over anything) He revoked the Grigoris position in Heaven and chained them in a prision that was within hell. Kind of like "the Hell within Hell", a really, really horrible place for those Witch training, fornicating Angels. They pleaded with Enoch to speak to God on their behalf, but it was in vain and they remain chained for seventy generations.

Back to the War in Heaven............

It is generally accepted by the Christians that at some point Satan, together with 1/3 of the Divine Host, rallied together in a takeover attempt. Why? Well.....there are two theories. The first being that Satan, full of Angelic Pride, refused to lower himself to bow before God's newest creation, Man, saying "A son of fire should bow before a son of Clay?" The other theory involves much of the same refusal to bow...only this time to Jesus Christ. Well that just blows to hell the Christian belief that Jesus existed from the beginning with God and witnessed the creation of the Angels. A paradox, a contradiction, yes, but when did those things ever stop anybody?
There is a question as to exactly when the war takes place. There is no mention of Hell or fallen Angels in the Old Testament. In the Hebraic writings, Satan is an angel and described only as an "Adversary", one who tests the strengths of humans, not as one who is damned to Hell. It was not until the Middle Ages that some theologians decided to make the snake in the Garden of Eden into is merely a Serpent in Genesis, not the devil.
There are numerous contradictions throughout the bible as to Satan's dubious "Prince of Hell" title. Satan was even sent by God to test Job. If he was eternally damned, I find it quite unbelievable that he would roam about the Kingdom of God freely and without molestation. The evidence that theologians have routinely used to accuse Satan is merely circumstantial. If Satan was tried in a court of Law today, he wouldn't be gnashing his teeth in hell, he'd be on the beach somewhere in the Carribean, Daquari in hand, working on his book with a movie deal in the works. O.J. had a much better chance of getting a conviction.
I really have a problem with the whole idea of Satan. Sounds to me as if he was created out of convenience. Organized religion loves a scapegoat.
My Goddess is nothing but Pure Love and Wisdom. How can Pure Love and Wisdom create such a hideous entity and realm?
At any rate, in both cases, the Angels had fallen from grace as a result of their free will, granted to them by God. Both categories of Angels supposedly turned against the almighty Creator and thusly, God created "Hell". Hell is an eternal damnation thing, full of all sorts of nastiness.
God created this place for all.........

Somewhere in Hell Satan looks up and asks "What??? What the Hell did I do??? GEEZ........aren't we sensitive today, Mr. Almighty? Christ! Now I'm out of a job! Well....I can always call Gates. He's always looking for a good Legal Advisor."
Satan whips out his cell phone, flips it open and hit the #1 button on the speed dial.
"Yeah, Bill? It's me...The Prince of Darkness........"

And somewhere in Heaven, God just visited my site and is now shutting down Windows2000 (??????? Well I guess we all know what happened to it.....God has the damn shipment) so that he can get to work on my very special, personalized, woven HandBasket for my journey to the Firey Pits of Hell
~ Inanna ~

The Names of The Fallen and the Demons

The Complete Book Of Enoch