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Ah, so you are accepting? Good. The king will be much pleased. Ok, so here's the deal - the king's daughter, the princess, has been captured by an evil sorcerer. She is in the tallest tower of a mighty fortress in which the sorcerer lives, which is surrounded by a vast moat and guarded by a vicious dragon. It is up to you to cross the moat, slay the dragon, defeat the sorcerer, and rescue the princess! The king will reward you most handsomely for the safe return of his daughter. Are you still up to the challenge? It's not too late to back down...

Definitely. I will go home right now to get some supplies.

Are you mad? I ain't fightin' no stinkin' giant dragon and evil sorcerer! I'm a wimp and I'm going to run home crying to my Mommy!